UF COM students are encouraged to pursue research and present their scholarly work at conferences. They are also encouraged to represent the school in leadership capacities. Students’ research mentors are expected to provide support for students who conduct research under their guidance towards publication and presentation at meetings. In the event that mentors or student organizations do not have resources to cover their expenses, students may request financial assistance.

The following criteria must be met before requesting funding:
- The student must have obtained permission for the absence from the appropriate course/clerkship director if the absence occurs during a course or clerkship prior to making the submission if the conference dates are known or as soon as the conference dates are announced if after the submission deadline.
- The student must be applying at least three weeks prior to Conference/Meeting/Publication date.
- Research being presented must have been conducted and presented while in medical school.
- The student must be the first-author on paper/poster/abstract.
- If the student is a national officer of an organization, there must be no other fund sources for travel.
- The student must be in good academic standing. Students must be enrolled or on an educational leave to be eligible for funding.
Expectation of Students
- Students are expected to contribute to their travel costs.
- Students are expected to submit all receipts, and a brief narrative reflecting on the value of this experience, within 2 weeks of travel date or funds may be denied.
- Students must notify the Office of Educational Affairs before the planned travel date, if they decide not to travel or if the travel is cancelled.
Funding Availability and Notification
While costs do vary, in general, available funding shall not exceed $600* per student/academic year (Aug. 1 – July 31). Students can expect a response from the COM within 2 weeks of their submitted request.
- Airline OR Mileage (In-state Roundtrip to conference)
- Conference registration
- Hotel expense (maximum of 2 nights)
- Publication submission/editor/printing fees
What is Not Covered
- Airbnb or other room/house rental stays
- Entertainment
- Food/alcohol
- Internet services at hotel
Submit information on the application portal prior to making travel arrangements in UFGO.
- Title, authors and electronic copy of abstract and/or poster
- Name of publication, meeting, location, dates, cost estimates, and educational purpose for request
- Identification of other funding support
- Faculty mentor information and endorsement
- Written approval from course/clerkship director if travel falls during a course or clerkship.
- Receipts after meeting (to be submitted upon return)