What do UF-COM graduates look like?
UFCOM graduates are prepared to become leaders and scholars who are committed to clinical
excellence and humanistic patient-centered care and who adhere to the highest professional
Principle 1: General professional education is the foundation of the curriculum.
- The core curriculum focuses on development of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors essential to the practice of medicine and prepares graduates to pursue careers in any of the medical disciplines.
Principle 2: Learning and professional development are most effective in a humane environment – one that fosters respect, personal integrity, service orientation and personal well-being among all members of the community.
Principle 3: The curriculum fosters development of leadership skills, the highest standards of professionalism and a humanistic approach to patient care.
Principle 4: The curriculum is focused on the care and wellness of the patient.
- The curriculum emphasizes a patient-centered approach to care.
Principle 5: Effective healthcare delivery is provided in the context of the family, community and healthcare systems.
- The influence of culture, social context and economic status on an individual’s health is integrated throughout the curriculum.
Principle 6: The educational program and assessments are based on defined learning outcomes within core competency domains.
- Students will be accountable for their learning.
- Outcomes-based assessments ensure achievement of educational goals and learning outcomes.
- Formative and summative assessments including self-reflection combined with self assessment are essential components of the curriculum.
- Competency domains:
– Professionalism
– Interpersonal and Communication Skills
– Patient Care
-Medical Knowledge
– Practice-based Learning and Improvement
– Systems-based Practice
Principle 7: The curriculum is based on adult learning principles and development of lifelong learning habits.
Principle 8: The curriculum utilizes an integrative approach to learning of the sciences essential for providing high quality healthcare.
- Biomedical, clinical and psychosocial sciences will be integrated with clinical skills, clinical experiences and professionalism throughout the curriculum.
- Core material is taught within a clinical and public health context.
Principle 9: The curriculum is responsive to emerging and dynamic needs of society including local and global health disparities.
Principle 10: The curriculum emphasizes acquisition of new knowledge, discovery and scholarship.
Principle 11: The curriculum emphasizes evidence-based practice.
- In curriculum development
- In patient care
Principle 12: The curriculum emphasizes a collaborative and inter-professional team approach to healthcare delivery with a commitment to quality and patient safety.
Principle 13: The curriculum incorporates flexibility.
- To accommodate differences in students’ learning needs.
- To promote development of professional and scholarly interests.
Principle 14: Faculty, pedagogical methods and learning environments are selected to maximize learning.
- Faculty development is an essential component of effective teaching.
- Effective mentorship is essential for students’ personal and professional development.