September 08, 2020
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Heather Harrell, M.D. (Chair); Rana Alissa, M.D.; John Aris, Ph.D.; Julia Close, M.D.; Shelley Collins, M.D. FAAP; Lou Ann Cooper Ph.D.; Beverly Dede, Ph.D.; Jeffery Dela Cruz, MS1; Carol Diachun , MD, MSEd; Mary Edwards MLIS, Ed.D, Joseph Fantone, M.D.; Frank Genuardi, M.D., MPH; Kathy Green, MLIS, SADM-C; Paul Gulig, Ph.D.; Saleem Islam, M.D. MPH; Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, M.D; Colleen Kalynych, Ed.D.; Maria Kelly, M.D.; M.P.H.; Michelot Michel, MS2; Nina Multak , Ph.D., PA-C; Steven Munger, Ph.D.; Hannah Norton BA, MS; Maureen Novak, M.D.; Matthew Ryan M.D., Ph.D.; Elisa Sottile, M.D.; Meredith Thompson, M.D.; Marc Zumberg, M.D.
Recording: Aisha Miller
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
Motion made to approve August minutes, seconded, and approved.
- Graduation Questionnaire: Fantone presented an overview of the 2020 AAMC Graduation Questionnaire. The questionnaire provides feedback from graduates, and data can be used for a program review, to improve accountability, and for accreditation. The committee discussed confidential reporting of student mistreatment, the algorithm related to concerns, and ideas to gain student trust to file a report. The consensus of the survey results demonstrates that graduates are very satisfied with the quality of their medical education program, feel prepared for their residency, and rated student support services are well above the national average.
- Program Feedback on the Class of 2019: Cooper provided feedback for the Residency Program Directors feedback of graduates from the class of 2019. Program Directors rated graduates on global assessment, medical knowledge, patient care, technical/surgical skills, communication skills, professional conduct/behavior, practice-based learning, and systems-based practice. The results reflected that graduates were well prepared for internship.
- VA Task Force report: Due to time limitations, the report was tabled for next meeting.
- Bias Mitigation Group recommendations: Dr. Harrell provided a summary of the Bias Mitigation Group on behalf of Dr. Hatch. The group was charged with making recommendations regarding bias training and educational sessions related to bias and racism. As the University will mandate faculty training via an online course entitled, “Managing Bias for Faculty and Staff,”* the group also recommended additional educational sessions beyond the online course to create a monthly webinar series for faculty (with CME credit), house staff, and students. The series will be a mixture of informational-data driven presentations, and sharing of experiences with the intent to build a community of support. Additional topic recommendations, and title suggestions for the series, should be sent to Dr. Hatch.
- Other Updates:
- Harrell welcomed new member Jeffrey Dela Cruz MS1 to the curriculum committee.
Meeting ended at 8:53 a.m.
Next Meeting: October 13, 2020 7:30-9:00 a.m.
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with Zoom videoconference