October 9th, 2018
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Novak, Aris, Daniels, Maldonado, Hagen, Beal, Gulig, Sayeski, Alissa, Cooper, Fantone, Gorske, Kuntz, Lynch, Davis, Norton, O’Neill, Multak, Ryan, Vidaurreta, Zaidi
Recording: Robyn Screws
Dr. Novak called to order 7:31am
- Updates:
- Aris corrected the minutes to read Canvas instead of Compass. Motion made to approve the amended minutes, motion seconded, approved unanimously.
- Aris informed the committee that Phase 1 is going smoothly.
- Hatch presented the EPA Assessing Entrustability document that Clerkship Directors will be using for MS3’s.
- At Risk Students: Identify and Intervene (Lynch)
- Lynch presented on at risk students and correlating factors for predicting success. Step scores and failures contribute to the level of success students have in medical school and possible predictors have been recognized for intervention purposes. A proposal was made to introduce a new task force centered around addressing and supporting the students who might benefit from intervention. Doctors Aris, Hagen, Sayeski, Norton, Beal, and Jim Gorske, volunteered to head up the task force and report back to the committee in November. Dr. Novak suggested that a student also be added to the task force.
- Program Evaluation Reports
- Cooper presented the most recent STEP 1 and STEP 2 results noting that some scores are still not in.
- Cooper presented the data gathered by the Program Directors Evaluations of students from the Class of 2017. These evaluations are sent after their first year in residency to their current Program Directors to evaluate their performance over the year in comparison to others in their program.
- Policy Change: NBME Clerkships Shelf Exams (Vidaurreta)
- Vidaurreta presented the proposed policy change for students who fail a shelf exam must meet with the Assistant Dean of Medical Education to discuss performance. Students who perform two standard deviations below the national mean, will be required to meet with the learning specialist. Motion made to approve the policy change, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Peer Teaching
- Gabe Daniels presented the proposed Peer Teaching Initiative that the 2019 Executive Board has been working on. The proposal is designed to have the students Implement biannual lecture style meetings where upperclassmen could provide information or mentor newer classes. The program and it’s information would be pass down to subsequent executive boards as new classes come and go. Components also would include small group sessions as well as a website to house the collected information.
End: 9am
Next Meeting November 13, 2018, 7:30-9:00 am
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom