October 08, 2019
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Maureen Novak, MD (Chair); John Aris, Ph.D.; Peter Sayeski Ph.D.; Shelley Collins, MD; Joseph Fantone, MD; Lou Ann Cooper, Ph.D.; Paul Gulig, Ph.D.; Carol Diachun, MD,VC-Jax; Gretchen Kuntz MSW, MLIS VC-Jax; Jim Gorske, M.Ed.; Ms. Hannah Norton, B.A. ,MS; Saleem Islam, MD; Stacy Beal, MD; Marc Zumberg, MD Saleem Islam, MD; Maria Kelly, MD; Rana Alissa, MD; Julia Close, MD; Lynne E Meyer, Ph.D.; Michel Michelot, MS1, James Gorske, Julia Close, MD
Recording: Aisha Miller
Dr. Novak called meeting to order at 7:32 am.
Motion made to approve the September meeting minutes, motion seconded, and approved.
- Updates:
- Phase 1 – Aris informed the committee that 1st and 2nd year students are adjusting well. Students were using the Office Mix software which has been replaced by the H5P Interactive Learning System this allows users to download the link, edit, create, share, and reuse interactive HTML5 content and students seem to like the application.
- Phase 2 –nothing to report at this time.
- Step 2 Clinical Knowledge Yearly Report: Novak presented some informative reports on the USMLE Step 2 Clinical knowledge exams for 1st time examinees. The report indicated impressive scores from the overall examinees. Dr. Novak complimented the faculty involved on improving the high scores and on what an incredible job they have done.
- Health Science Systems Exam Discussion: Reviewed the experience of the NBME Health Science System exam taken by several faculty members including committee members: Drs. Islam, Beal, Fantone, Hatch and several 3rd and 4th year students. The consensus of takers were that most of the topics are covered in the curriculum, but delivery can be enhanced. Dr. Grant Harrell is meeting with his task force to develop next steps.
- Credit for External Degrees-Motion passed via email: Novak proposed an amended change to the motion that includes: Motion for student who complete an advanced degree program outside the dual degree option (e.g., MD/PhD) may petition the ASC for a waiver of 4 weeks of elective credit applied toward the MD degree for each year of training outside the MD Program for a maximum of 16 credits. The student must provide justification for the degree enhancing their medical career. Endorsement is by the Associate Dean for Medical Education or the Associate Dean of Student Affairs with approval by the ASC. Motion made, seconded, and approved.
- Journal Club: Members were encouraged to read these articles for faculty development.
- The Influence of Students Perceptions of Learning Environment on Coping with Academic Challenges A Structural Equation Modeling Study
- Faculty Perceptions of Formative Feedback from Medical Students
Meeting adjourned at: 8:32 a.m.
Next Meeting: November 12, 2019 7:30-9:00 a.m.
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom