October 13, 2020 CC Meeting Minutes


 October 13, 2020

7:30 to 9:00 a.m., HMEB Room 128

Videoconference to Deal Boardroom


Attendance: Heather Harrell, MD (Chair); Rana Alissa, MD; John Aris, PhD; Stacy Beal, MD; Julia Close, MD; Shelley Collins, MD, FAAP; Lou Ann Cooper PhD; James Davis, MS3; Jeffery Dela Cruz, MS1; Carol Diachun , MD, MSEd; Mary Edwards MLIS, EdD; Joseph Fantone, MD; Frank Genuardi, MD, MPH; Jim Gorske, MEd; Paul Gulig, PhD;  Rob Hatch, MD, MPH; Saleem Islam, MD, MPH; Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, MD;  Colleen Kalynych, EdD; Maria Kelly, MD; James Lynch, MD; Shireen Madani-Sims, MD; Michelot Michel, MS2; Hannah Norton, MSIS; Maureen Novak, MD; Mary Patterson, MD, MEd; Matthew Ryan MD, PhD; Elisa Sottile, MD; Carolyn Stalvey, MD; Meredith Thompson, MD; Marc Zumberg, MD


Recording: Kathy Green

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:31 a.m.


  • Motion made to approve September minutes, seconded, and approved.


  • Procedures Task Force Report: Madani-Sims provided an update from the task force, which reviewed the current list of required procedures, discussed recommendations to add or remove procedures and define the students’ level of competency for each procedure, acknowledging the use of simulation as a training method. After review of literature, the committee recommended not modifying the current list; however, will define remediation plans and levels of competencies for the required procedures. The committee discussed more frequent review of the required list, defining the procedures, level of responsibility, review of the procedures log, and the division of procedures among the required clerkships to ensure coverage of procedures for graduation.


  • VA Task Force Report: Harrell informed the committee that due to COVID-19, the 3rd year orientation was restructured, which led to the establishment of the VA Task Force to review the content taught for the care of veterans, and the best time to teach these skills in the curriculum. The task force gathered resources from other medical schools related to the education, defined core learning outcomes, recommended minimum required experiences, and proposed adding additional content and/or sessions within the current Phase 1 and 2 curriculum. Additionally, the task force noted that all students should not be required to rotate through the VA as there are sufficient veterans within other required clerkships, recommended developing a standardized patient encounter, creation of a veteran student liaison for each class, and to prepare a recorded presentation for students to review prior to rotations at the VA. Although no vote was required, the committee voiced support for the task force’s proposals for veterans and their families.


  • RMC Pilot Update: Dr. Genuardi provided an informational update regarding the regional medical campus pilot program. Due to the delay of clerkships this year, Jacksonville may have the opportunity to recruit rising 3rd year students who would be interested in moving to Jacksonville during the 2021-2022 academic year to complete all required clerkships. Currently, the Jacksonville campus has applied for an Addiction Fellowship for the Psychiatry Clerkship, are establishing program outcomes, and identifying resources for the students. Based on the number of students who volunteer, students may remain in their existing CLGs or may create a new group for the Jacksonville cohort. They also plan for students to return to Gainesville for any standardized patient activities, including Clinical Skills Exams.


  • Student Evaluation of Phase 1 Curriculum: James Davis (MS3) presented data from a survey of the Class of 2022 regarding their feelings of preparedness for Step 1 and clinical rotations following completion of the Phase 1 curriculum. While only 55 students (or 39.29%) completed the survey, overall, the class highly rated courses with consistent lecturers to reduce redundancy and build on prior knowledge. The student committee also recommended incorporating more Step 1 topics into the curriculum, acknowledging “high-yield” outside resources, utilizing more NBME subject exams and/or step style questions on internal exams, and integrating a biochemistry thread throughout the systems courses. Additionally, the class was surveyed regarding diversity, and recommended increasing the diversity of patients, images, and disease presentations used within the Phase 1 curriculum. As the committee had several comments, Drs. Cooper and Harrell encouraged members to review the presentation and formulate additional questions to further discuss at the next meeting.


  • Informational Updates: Due to time limitations, updates from the Clerkship Directors’ and Course Directors’ Committees were not discussed; however, minutes were distributed to members for review.


Meeting ended at 8:59 a.m.

Next Meeting: November 10, 2020 7:30-9:00 a.m.

HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with Zoom videoconference