November 10, 2020
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Rana Alissa, John Aris, Carolyn Carter, Julia Close, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Beverly Dede, Jeffery Dela Cruz (MS-1), Elizabeth DeVos, Carol Diachun, Mary Edwards, Joseph Fantone, Frank Genuardi, Jim Gorske, Paul Gulig, Rob Hatch, Saleem Islam, Colleen Kalynych, Maria Kelly, James Lynch, Nina Multak, Hannah Norton, Maureen Novak, Mary Patterson, Matthew Ryan, Elisa Sottile, Carolyn Stalvey, Meredith Thompson, Marc Zumberg
Recording: Kathy Green
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m.
- A motion made to approve the October 13, 2020 minutes, seconded, and approved.
- Curricular Changes:
- Global Health Foundations Elective: Dr. Harrell introduced Dr. DeVos who recently received the International Educator of the Year award. Dr. DeVos then provided an overview to the global health educational program. After reviewing goals and objectives with a student task-force, they proposed a new 2-credit elective providing a non-clinical foundational course that includes topics in health system science and global health ethics. The course will also be a prerequisite or corequisite for additional global health experiential learning opportunities. The committee made a motion, seconded and approved the Global Health Foundations elective.
- Transgender Health Elective: Harrell reminded the committee that Transgender Health was approved as a 4-credit elective. As no students have registered for the course, the course directors, Drs. Nall, Dayton and Srihari, submitted a proposal to modify the elective to also offer a 2-credit option. In addition to the 4-credit option, the committee made a motion, seconded and approved a 2-credit option for the Transgender Health elective.
- Introduction to Clinical Practice 1A: Dr. Harrell informed the committee that due to the pandemic, clinical areas are limited across the state. The course director, Dr. Konopack, sent a proposal to modify the clinical experience to 1-week, and add other activities to address knowledge about psychological, social, and economic factors and cultural diversity as they pertain to health care for the second week. After discussion, members recommended removing the AA activity, and suggested other relevant opportunities. The committee made a motion, seconded and approved the movement of 1-week of clinical experience to a week of case-based community simulation activities.
- Student Evaluation of Phase 1 Curriculum: As a follow-up to the student research last month, Dr. Harrell reviewed the main recommendations for the preclinical curriculum, and provided an update for each recommendation. The committee also discussed the relevance of lectures versus other best teaching and assessment practices, as well as appropriate education for our course and clerkship directors.
- Informational Updates:
- Harrell provided an update to the committee regarding a LGBTQ+ task-force. More information will be forthcoming; however, the task-force is reviewing the coverage of relevant content through the Health Systems Science goal on cultural humility.
- Kelly informed the committee that the Clerkship Directors Committee held a session on bias training, which was led by Dr. Parker. The directors are preparing for the Clerkship Retreat in January, and discussing the overlap of student classes in May and June. Overall, Dr. Kelly stated that the clerkships have faired well with COVID, and have processes in place for students.
- Jeff Dela Cruz (MS-1) reported that the class was pleased overall with their educational experience, and students have adjusted well to the mix of in-person and virtual activities. Dr. Harrell informed the committee that MS-2 class finished their Clinical Neuroscience course.
Meeting ended at 8:33 a.m.