May 9th, 2017
7:30 to 9:00 am
HMEB Room 128, Videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom
Member Attendees: Joseph Fantone, Maureen Novak, Melanie Hagen, Heather Harrell, Robert Hatch, Kyle Rarey, Tom Rowe, Daniel Rubin, Peter Sayeski, Laurence Solberg, Marc Zumberg, Carol Diachun, Jennifer Hipp, Lou Ann Cooper, Frank Genuardi, Gretchen Kuntz, James Lynch, Hannah Norton, Ralph Rice, Jim Gorske, Shelley Collins
Recording: Robyn Screws
Dr. Novak called the meeting to order at 7:32 am.
- Sayeski provided an update from the Phase 1 Course Director Committee. The Committee is working on the inclusion of more Step 1 preparation material for the students including the addition of more Step 1 style questions into lectures, quizzes, and activities, as well as critical thinking practice to assimilate students into the thought process behind Step 1 questions.
- Novak announced that the fourth year students recognized Dr. Zumberg and Dr. Winter as Course Director of the year as well as Course of the year.
- Hatch mentioned that the Clerkship Directors meeting was cancelled this month in order to prepare for the new group of students, which started the day prior.
- Novak noted that the Emergency Medicine Clerkship won the Golden Apple for the year and Chris Giordano won the Golden Apple for Clerkship Director of the year.
New Electives:
- Culinary Medicine
- Novak presented the proposed new Culinary Medicine Elective on behalf of Dr. Carter. The elective would be a pilot program, which would collaborate with one of the Head Chefs from Eastside High Schools Culinary Program that would last two weeks. Topics would include dietary guidelines, gluten-free diet, and food allergies. Dr. Novak opened the Committee to discuss the proposal. A suggestion was made to align the timing of the elective along with the Nutrition Course as to allow for the possibility of student teachers. Motion was made to approve the elective with an addition of some kind of practical application, seconded, approved unanimously.
- The Physician Patient Relationship
- Novak presented the proposed elective The Physician Patient Relationship on behalf of Dr. Lynch. Motion was made to approve the elective, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Medical French
- Novak presented the proposed Medical French Elective. Dr. Harrell suggested that there be an inclusion of a pre-requisite for a certain level of knowledge in French. Motion was made to approve the elective with the addition of a pre-requisite level of French, seconded, approved unanimously.
Policy Updates
- Step 1 Testing Policy
- Novak opened the floor to discussion regarding the new Step 1 Policy, which would require students to complete the USMLE Step 1 prior to the start of orientation to Phase 2 required clerkships. Failure to take the exam before orientation would result in a one-year academic leave of absence, unless extraordinary circumstances warrant an approved delay. Deferrals can only be granted with approval by the Associate Deans for Student Affairs or Medical Education. All students must pass Step 1 within one year of ending Phase 1 curriculum. Discussion was held. Motion made to approve the new policy with the edit removing the word “usually”, seconded, motion approved 7-1.
- USMLE 1 and 2
- Novak opened the floor to discussion regarding the proposed addition to the USMLE Steps 1 and 2 Policy. Discussion was held. A suggestion was made to edit the addition to read, “Students who fail Step 1 and have previously failed a course will automatically be placed on academic probation.” As well as changing the last sentence to “Failure of USMLE Step 1 on the second attempt will result in dismissal of the student from medical school.” Motion made to approve the addition with suggested edits, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Grades
- Novak opened the floor to discussion regarding the proposed addition to the Grades Policy. Discussion was held. Committee members agreed the addition should read, “Students who achieve 2 or more failures or unsatisfactory grades of any course or clerkship will be automatically placed on academic probation.” Motion made to approve the proposed addition with suggested edit, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Revised Grievance Process
- Novak opened the floor to discussion regarding the proposed changes to the Grade Grievance Policy. Discussion was held. Committee members suggested the Grade Grievance Committee include the Chair of the Clerkship Directors Committee or their designee if their own clerkship is involved. It was also suggested to edit number three of the document to read, “After review, the Grade Grievance Committee will submit a recommendation to the Associate Dean for Medical Education and the Chair of the Academic Status Committee who will review the report and provide the response to the student.” Motion made to approve the proposed changes with the suggested edits, seconded, approved unanimously.
Other Items
- Novak presented the idea of a new policy in which when a student scores at or below two standard deviations on any course or exam, would be required to meet with the Learning Specialist within two weeks of the exam. Motion made to approve the new policy, seconded, approved unanimously.
Strategic Planning and Continuous Quality Improvement
- Novak asked the Committee to brainstorm questions that they would like for Dr. Cooper and the “data team” to answer or address in future meetings.
Meeting adjourned at 8:51 am.
Next Meeting: June 13, 2017, 7:30-9:00 am, HMEB Room 128 (Deans Conference Room), videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom.