May 8th, 2018
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Joseph Fantone, Maureen Novak, John Aris, Victoria Bird, Melanie Hagen, Robert Hatch, Daniel Rubin, Peter Sayeski, Marc Zumberg, Jennifer Hipp, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Jim Gorske, Heather Harrell, Nina Multak, Matthew Ryan, Hannah Norton
Recording: Robyn Screws
Begin 7:31 am
- Updates
- Novak announced that it was orientation week for upcoming 3rd years, who will now be on their clerkships. Fourth year students made their own presentation, which went well and was very informative for students. Dr. Collins made a presentation on Student Mistreatment for things to be aware of on their clerkships.
- Motion made to approve the minutes for March, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Sayeski noted that the course is going well; the MS1’s are ending their first year.
- Novak opened the floor to a discussion on the timing of preceptorship and spring break for the first year students. Suggestions for improvement included looking at the calendar for a potential MS1 break, moving the preceptorship back between cardio and renal, looking at international trips counting as preceptorships, or moving spring break offset of the main UF spring break.
- Vidaurreta and Jim Gorske will be reaching out to the students who will be taking a year off for Step 1 to see what their plans are for the year to suggest helpful tips.
- Hatch mentioned that orientation went well and Clerkship Directors are waiting on the EPIC update for having student notes on patients will soon be able to count for billing.
- Medical Student Notes by Physicians and Residents
- Novak opened the floor to discussion after presenting the policy for accepting student notes. The committee discussed having students begin practice of notes beginning in the early years while learning to take patient history and having the CSE2 include note-writing practice. Motion made to approve suggested policy and have it sent to Faculty Council for approval, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Anesthesia for OMFS Students to be Graded (Novak)
- Novak noted that the Anesthesia for OMFS students currently is set up as pass/fail; suggestion was made to move the first 6 weeks to being grade. Dr. Novak opened the floor to discussion after which the committee decided no change was necessary.
- Repeal and Replace (Reading)
- Novak opened the floor to a discussion based on the provided reading.
End 8:52 am