7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Maureen Novak, MD (Chair); John Aris, PhD; Robert Hatch, MD; Stacy Beal, MD; Paul Gulig, PhD; Peter Sayeski PhD; Marc Zumberg, MD; Shelley Collins, MD; Joseph Fantone, MD; Nina Multak, PhD, MPAS, PA-C; Beverly Dede, PhD; Mary Patterson, MD , M.Ed.; James Davis MS1; Carol Diachun, MD,VC-Jax; Gretchen Kuntz MSW, MLIS VC-Jax; Mr. Jim Gorske; Ms. Hannah Norton, MS; Alissa Rana MD, VC-Jax
Recording: Aisha Miller
Dr. Novak called meeting to order at 7:33 am.
Motion made to approve April minutes seconded, and unanimously approved.
- Updates:
Phase 1:
- First Year students are currently in the Kidney and Urinary Tract course.
- Preceptorship went well.
Phase 2:
- EPA follow-up: Clerkship directors discussed added utility of EPAs
versus using the EPAs to improve the curriculum. EPA discussion tabled for June meeting after next CD meeting and review.
- Shelf Exam: If students fail the shelf exam the CD committee moved to not requiring a passing score on shelf exams however; students will still have to take the exam, but will not have to re-take the exam again if fail. Shelf will continue to be part of the medical knowledge competency.
- MSPE: Motion made to have language altered in the MSPE
for the option to remove the shelf exam scoring, seconded, and approved.
- 2. New Discovery Tack: Motion made to approve the Business and Innovation Medicine Discovery Track, seconded, and approved.
- 3. Neurology and Geriatrics Clerkship Transition: Dr. Novak led a continued discussion of Geriatrics moving to reside within the Family Medicine course from 4th year and having Neurology as a required 4th year cler Motion made per discussion to move the process of Neurology to Geriatrics 4th year, seconded, and approved.
- 4. Class 2019 curriculum review: Presentation made by Dr. Novak regarding preparation for Step exa The following is a list of topics:
Learning Specialist
Presentations and support by OSA and Dr. Dede
Review sessions –student led/ Mr. Gorske organized
Integration of step type questions into learning sessions (Phase 1) Timed MCQ after every course
Improved step 1 style questions (new lead: Dr. Hagen)
Neuroscience Shelf
CBSE year 1 and year 2
Clerkship shelf exams (phase 2-3) CSEs (step 2 CS)
Dr. Stalvey’s course for at risk 4th year students
Dr. Novak requested a list of resources for all students.
- USMLE Policy Proposal: Motion made to approve changes to USMLE Policy to read: Any student who does not pass the USMLE Step 1 within one year of the end of the Phase 1 (pre-clerkship) curriculum will be reviewed by the Academic Status Committee, seconded, and approved.
- Transgender Elective Proposal: Motion made to approve Transgender Elective
Proposal as a 4th year elective, seconded, and approved.
- Journal Club:
Due to time, the two articles were not discussed individually. Members are encouraged to read the articles for faculty development.
- Beyond the United States Medical Licensing
- Dynamic Measurement in Health Profession
Meeting adjourned at 9:01 am.
Next Meeting: June 11, 2019, 7:30-9:00 am
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom