7:30 to 9:00 a.m., via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Rana Alissa, John Aris, Stacy Beal, Carol Diachun, Paul Gulig, Rob Hatch, Saleem Islam, Maria Kelly, Steve Munger, Meredith Thompson, Marc Zumberg, Marika Alois, Dani Brown, Julia Close, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Kristin Dayton, Jeffery Dela Cruz, Mary Edwards, Joseph Fantone, Frank Genuardi, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, Colleen Kalynych, Lynne Meyer, Hannah Norton, Maureen Novak, Elisa Sottile, Ashleigh Wright
Recording: Renata Dolbier
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:36 a.m.
A motion made to approve the April 13, 2021 minutes, seconded, and approved.
- Integrative Medicine Thread:
Alois presented information on integrative medicine, and provided an overview for mapping the thread throughout all four years of the medical curriculum. Assessment of the thread would include questions in the block exams and incorporate a patient encounter case into CSE3. A motion to approve the Integrative Medicine Thread was made, seconded, and unanimously approved. - Policy Revisions:
- Collins proposed a new Student Health policy. She highlighted immunization requirements, and the Needlestick hotline. A motion to approve the policy as is was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- A secondary discussion was held regarding student requirements and COVID vaccines. Dr. Fantone and Dr. Collins will continue to monitor and will provide updates.
- New Elective Proposals:
- Advocacy Through Community Service. Harrell presented changes to the longitudinal community service elective. The current elective would be sunset, and the proposed elective would prepare future physicians to make an impact on the community by identifying stakeholder needs and completing a project with measurable outcomes. A motion to approve the policy as is was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- All Aboard the Night Float Boat! Kelly presented the elective and it on behalf of Dr. Joseph. The elective will be offered to 4th year students in pediatrics. Students will be responsible for caring for pediatric patients and assisting with overnight issues from 5:00 pm until morning checkout. A motion was made to approve the policy, seconded, and approved.
- New Committee Members:
- Alissa Rana has completed her rotation. She will be replaced by Elisa Sottile to represent Jacksonville.
- Stacy Beal will continue a term ending in 2024.
- Marc Zumberg will be stepping down retaining his role on the Academic Status Committee. Ashwin Akki will replace him.
A motion to approve these changes was made, seconded, and approved.
Dr. Harrell will send out an open call to recruit faculty who have an interest in participating in the medical educational curriculum, and may be invited to join as ex-officio members.
- Updates to Principles of UFCOM Medical Education Program:
Harrell presented changes to the curriculum overview. She proposed moving the order of the principles.- Principal 14 – pertaining to a humane environment moved to the 2nd principle to emphasize its importance.
- Principle 5 – to align the learning outcomes, remove words “clinical ethics and law”.
- Principle 12 – change “learning styles” to “learning needs.”
- Add the Integrated Medicine Thread.
- Add surgical subspecialties in Phase 3.
- Change to Patient Care Competency:
Dr. Harrell proposed to remove the bullet under Patient Care that states, “critically examine previous management plans when patients were dissatisfied or the desired outcome was not achieved.” Motion to remove was made, second, and approved.
- HSS Updates:
Dr. Harrell shared that a high-level administrative position assistant was posted for HSS and ICP. Dr. Harrell is also working on a domain leader job description and will submit open calls for those positions.
- LCME Updates:
The survey visit for the next LCME will be January 23 – 25, 2023. At the end of this term, the team will be assembling the database. Most curriculum committee members will be asked to serve on committees to prepare the self-study, and comprehensively review the quality improvement processes.
- Clerkship Updates:
Dr. Kelly shared brief updates from the Clerkship Committee. Currently, the clerkships have double number of students. They are exploring the assignment of minus grades to create even distribution between clerkships.
- Orientation Update:
Dr. Collins shared an update on the clerkship orientation. The class enjoyed being all together again. Students were reminded of their responsibilities and expectations, and plan to share the same theme with the new class of 2025.
Meeting ended at 8:41 a.m.