March 9, 2021
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Rana Alissa, John Aris, Stacy Beal, Carol Diachun, Paul Gulig, Rob Hatch, Saleem Islam, Maria Kelly, Steve Munger, Meredith Thompson, Marc Zumberg, Carolyn Carter, Julia Close, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Jeffery Dela Cruz, Mary Edwards, Joseph Fantone, Frank Genuardi, Chris Giordano, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Jennifer Hamilton, Grant Harrell, Gary Jones, Colleen Kalynych, James Lynch, Lynne Meyer, Hannah Norton, Maureen Novak, Matthew Ryan, Elisa Sottile, Carolyn Stalvey, Ashleigh Wright
Recording: Renata Dolbier
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
- A motion made to approve the February 9, 2021 minutes, seconded, and approved.
- Patient Advocacy Track:
Heather Harrell introduced Dr. Grant Harrell, and reviewed the purpose of tracks. Dr. Grant Harrell presented a proposal for a new track for patient advocacy. This track ideally would be a 4-year experience where students are joining their panel of patients in their healthcare journey. He reviewed the objectives, core activities, assessments and the qualifications for an Award of Distinction. A motion was made to approve the Patient Advocacy track, seconded and unanimously approved.
- Policy Revisions:
- Harrell reviewed the policy revisions for the USMLE Step 2, CSE, and graduation requirements. As the USMLE have sunset the Clinical Skills (CS) exam, a proposal was made to remove CS as a requirement. The committee discussed a deadline for the Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK) exam as scores need to be posted to ERAS before September 15th. A motion to approve the changes as is was made, seconded, and approved. Once more information has been gathered regarding the weight of Step 2 CK for residency programs, the deadline for the exam will be brought back to the committee. One change in the revision was to replace Cognitive Knowledge with Clinical Knowledge.
- Harrell presented a proposal to align 4th year credits with residency preparation needs. This proposal would change the Step 2 preparation elective credit options, reduce the number of 4th year electives and revise the number of credits required for graduation be decreased by 4 credits. A motion was made to approve this proposal, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- CBSE Data:
Cooper presented the data for the CBSE exam taken by the 2nd year students. She shared a graph and a more detailed summary of questions on the exam. Per policy the CBSE will be re-administered in a few weeks, and was highly recommended for all students to take it again. - LCME Update:
- Harrell presented an update on grade timeliness. Clerkships were asked to report grades within 5 weeks. Overall, the timeliness across the clerkships are doing a great job.
- Outpatient Child & Adolescent Psychiatry – Jacksonville Elective Proposal
Genuardi presented an overview of the proposed elective that included competency objectives and evaluation methods. The elective would primarily be in an outpatient setting for 4th year students. A motion was made to approve this elective, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- Informational Updates:
- Academic calendars were sent out for review. No major changes.
- Medical Education Week – 2 noon workshops (March 16th and 17th).
- Clerkship Directors: Dr. Harrell sent out the meeting minutes. Dr. Kelly gave a brief recap of their meeting.
- Harrell informed the committee that minus grades may be discussed at a future meeting since grades are becoming higher stakes.
- Harrell announced that professionalism assessments may be reviewed during an upcoming meeting.
- The Care of Veterans taskforce, LBGTQ+ taskforce, and Biochemistry taskforce are progressing.
- The Class of 2025 orientation is July 28 -30, and planning to be in-person.
- Introduction of Dean Koch
Dean Koch shared a little bit about her vision. She is organizing a comprehensive strategic plan with seven pillars and five focus groups. The focus groups will have a retreat to gather feedback, along with a Qualtrics survey. Some will be invited to facilitate a breakout room during the retreats. In April, materials and information will be sent. The retreats should be in May.
Meeting ended at 9:03 a.m.