March 12, 2019
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Novak, Aris, Maldonado, Hagen, Hatch, Beal, Gulig, Sayeski, Zumberg, Diachun, Alissa, Collins, Cooper, Genuardi, Kuntz, Lynch, James Davis, Norton, Multak
Recording: Kathy Green
Dr. Novak called to order 7:31 am
- Updates:
- Motion made to approve the proposed modifications to the January minutes, motion seconded, approved unanimously.
- Aris, Zumberg, and Gulig presented an update from the Phase 1 curriculum. Overall, the students in Cancer Biology and Clinical Oncology, Hematology, and Fundamentals of Microbiology and Immunology did well. Dr. Zumberg noted that some students were studying for Step 1 instead of reviewing lectures and PowerPoint materials to prepare for exams. Dr. Novak followed with a discussion about some articles that were sent for review. Mr. Davis (MS1) discussed the alignment between the next three systems courses and Step 1, as well as an overview of the International Trips.
- Hatch discussed the viability to appropriately track entrustable behaviors for EPAs within the required clerkships. Post discussion, Dr. Hatch agreed to provide feedback to the committee after the Clerkship Retreat discussion regarding EPAs.
- Consensual Relationships Policy:
- Novak, after review by Dr. Hatch, revised the policy title to Limitations to Student Supervision and Evaluation Policy. Motion made to approve recent modifications to the policy, seconded, and approved.
- CLG Goals:
- Novak presented the a revision to modify the CLG goals from a “safe place” to a “welcoming professional space.” Motion was made to approve modifications to the goals, seconded, and approved.
- New Course Proposals:
- Novak passed around the goals, objectives and assessments for the Ophthalmology and GI electives. The electives were approved at the January meeting pending review by Drs. Genuardi and Novak.
- Novak provided a course proposal for an online course entitled Fixing Healthcare Delivery 2.0, which builds on a prior elective. Motion was made to approve the course, seconded, and approved.
- Novak provided an overview for the request to modify the Dermatology Focused Rotation. After discussion, the request was tabled.
- Novak provided a proposal for a new elective entitled Advanced Endocrinology and Reproduction Course Assistant. Motion was made to approve the course, seconded, and approved.
- Curriculum Retreat:
- Novak discussed benefits from the curriculum retreat. In addition, the committee discussed the following topics for future discussion or possible review by a task force or small groups.
- Yield over active learning versus the yield of knowledge
- Step 1 aware, not Step 1 driven
- Improvements regarding formative feedback
- Jacksonville – key to the future
- Interprofessional Education review
- Performance zone versus learning zone
- Continuity of student and attending dyad; possible longitudinal experiences
- Supporting struggling students
- Student health services
- Learning environment versus hospital environment (creation of white paper)
- Enhancements for assessments within the simulation center
- Multisource feedback
- Just-in-time feedback
- 360° assessment
- Multi-grader variability
Dr. Novak was charged with grouping like topics by Phase for future review, and a discussion was held regarding the possibility of switching Geriatrics and Neurology.
- Step 1 Performance:
- The committee reviewed and discussed 2018 Step 1 performance.
- LCME Status Report:
- Novak reviewed the LCME Status Report, and the committee will continue to monitor the timeliness of grades and histories and physicals.
- Board of Governors Degree Report:
- The committee reviewed and discussed the Board of Governors degree report, which includes the Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS.
End: 8:54 am
Next Meeting April 9, 2019, 7:30-9:00 am
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom