June 09, 2020
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Heather Harrell, M.D. (Chair); Joseph Fantone, M.D.; Paul Gulig, Ph.D.; Carol Diachun, M.D.,VC-Jax; Jim Gorske, M.Ed.; Marc Zumberg, M.D.; Maria Kelly, M.D.; Lynne E Meyer, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Robert Hatch, M.D. MPH; Saleem Islam, M.D. MPH; Shelley Collins, M.D. FAAP; Julia Close, M.D.; John Aris, Ph.D.; Frank Genuardi, M.D., MPH; Lou Ann Cooper Ph.D.; Hannah Norton BA, MS; Matthew Ryan M.D., Ph.D.; Beverly Dede, Ph.D.; Rana Alissa, M.D.; Peter Sayeski Ph.D.; Gretchen Kuntz, M.D.; Colleen Kalynych, Ed.D; Dani Brown, M.Ed.; Kathy Green; M. Ed.; James Davis, MS3; Daniel O’Neill, MS4; Elisa Sottile; Neil Chheda, M.D.; Carolyn Carter, M.D.; Paulette Hahn, M.D.
Recording: Kathy Green
Dictation: Aisha Miller
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:31 a.m.
May Meeting Minutes approved with an amendment to the Academic Support Program Committee discussion.
- In the May CC meeting, Sub-I’s were discussed, and tabled as additional clarifications were needed. Two of the Sub-I’s were resubmitted for review.
Dr. Islam explained the corrections and improvements that were made to the assessments for the proposed Plastics Sub-I. The committee requested additional information regarding the grade percentile. As the Sub-I reflects a robust course designed to simulate a Plastic Surgery Internship, a motion was made to approve the proposed Plastic Sub-I, seconded, and approved.
Dr. Chheda gave a brief description of the revision of the Otolaryngology Sub-I. The Sub-I grade assessment was addressed, and the committee requested Dr. Chheda to formulate the grade translation. Motion made to approve the proposed Otolaryngology Sub-I with the addition of a transparent grade translation, seconded, and approved.
- Clerkship Grade Distributions: Hatch provided an update on the Clerkship Directors’ Committee retreat and presented grade distribution graphs. He explained the grade variations across clerkships, and that a discussion regarding grade consistency was the main focus of the retreat. Dr. Harrell explained that the goal of the proposal was to move towards a more global grade distribution method across clerkships. Based on discussion, no resolution was made in the decision to move forward. Vote tabled.
- MS4 Geriatrics Course: Harrell provided an update on the revised Geriatrics Clerkship Syllabus, which will be used for the final year that the course will be offered. The syllabus was distributed to the members.
- COVID 19 Capstone Course: Harrell provided an update of the success of the COVID 19 Capstone Course. She emphasized that in its current form, the course was delivered as a required one-time course. Dr. Harrell explained the idea is to deliver a Health Systems Science application of the COVID 19 information. Moving forward the committee will discuss lessons learned, relevant content to move into the main stream curriculum, and successful teaching strategies.
- Informational Updates: Harrell provided updates regarding the following:
- The USMLE announced the cancellation of the Step 2 CS examination for this year. Stalvey has been asked to assemble a task force to make recommendations to the committee about an appropriate assessment to meet the graduation requirement.
- Harrell provided a list, detailed descriptions and services of the new Task Forces: Evaluation Bias, Required Sub-internship, Care of Veterans, “INPLASE” (IN PLace of A Step Exam), and Professionalism Assessment in Clinical Years.
- Neurosurgery Sub-I: Based on discussions during the May meeting, the Neurosurgery Sub-I was tabled. After receiving revisions, the committee approved the Neurosurgery Sub-I course via an electronic vote.
- ECG Elective: In April, the committee passed the ECG as a 2 credit elective. Based on feedback from the course director, a proposal was made to increase the ECG elective from 2 credits to 4 credits. The motion was approved via an electronic vote.
- End of Year Accomplishments: Harrell presented the academic accomplishments for 2019-2020, and congratulated Drs. Martha Brown and Lisa Merlo Green for receiving the AAMC Opioid grant. The committee was provided summaries of curricular changes, such as: Family Medicine/Geriatrics clerkship, integration of Health Systems Science, approval of medical certificate programs, new electives, new initiatives, and pandemic positives, which included student reflections. At the end of the meeting, the committee acknowledged outgoing Curriculum Committee member, Dr. Peter Sayeski, for his many contributions.
Meeting ended at 8:56 a.m.
Next Meeting: July 14, 2020 7:30-9:00
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with Zoom Videoconference