June 8, 2021
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Rana Alissa, John Aris, Stacy Beal, Carol Diachun, Paul Gulig, Saleem Islam, Maria Kelly, Steve Munger, Meredith Thompson, Marc Zumberg, Dani Brown, Julia Close, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Beverly Dede, Joseph Fantone, Frank Genuardi, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Melanie Hagan, Jennifer Hamilton, Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, Colleen Kalynych, Lynne Meyer, Hannah Norton, Bob Seifert, Elisa Sottile, Ashleigh Wright
Recording: Renata Dolbier
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
- A motion made to approve the May 11, 2021 minutes, seconded, and approved. Post May 11th meeting and electronic vote was held and approved Dr. Seifert as a new member replacing Dr. Gulig.
- Taskforce Updates:
Cooper and Hagan presented information on applying best practices in assessments. They shared the current state of assessments in Phase 1 courses, and presented the following recommendations made by the taskforce based on a literature review:- Blueprint the construction of exams;
- Use cumulative questions;
- Develop a formal description of the course director’s role in assessments;
- Train faculty in question writing;
- Incorporate customized NBME questions;
- Track content electronically;
- Establish a secure question bank;
- Track individual student performance electronically;
- Assign students a coach/advisor to review progress;
- Use assessments other than multiple choice questions.
A motion was made to adopt the recommendations, seconded and approved.
- Course Name change:
Dr. Harrell informed the committee of two course name changes to align with CLGs, and cause less confusion among faculty and students.
- BMS 6810 will be Introduction to Clinical Medicine 1A.
- BMS 6812 will be Introduction to Clinical Medicine 1B (spring 2022).
- LCME Updates:
Fantone presented an organizational overview of the LCME process and a general timeline. He identified the leadership and taskforce chairs for our self-study process. Work has begun on the DCI, by the end of June all committee members should be identified, and committees should begin meeting monthly in September 2021 to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. The student committee should be identified sometime in the fall for the independent student analysis. The survey visit for the next LCME will be January 23 – 25, 2023.
- Celebrations:
Dr. Harrell shared a quick review of the accomplishments of the curriculum committee over the year.
- Research, publications, and training programs by committee members
- The committee approved now or expanded content in the following areas:
- Integrative Medicine Thread
- Patient Advocacy Track
- Added content
- Veteran’s care
- HSS Learning Outcomes
- New approved courses:
- Cardiovascular surgery sub-internship (required)
- Global Health (elective)
- Transgender Care (elective)
- Medical Spanish (online to clinical elective)
- Child Psychiatry (elective)
- Advocacy Through Community Service (elective)
- All Aboard Night Float (pediatrics elective)
- Student support:
- Reduced credits for graduation
- Increased credit for Step 2 study
- Added minus grade
- Welcomed new Associate Dean of Student Affairs
- Taskforces established:
- Sub-internship
- Biochemistry
- Applying Best Assessment Practices
- Applying Best Teaching Practices.
- Updates and responses based on the JEDI report
- Pandemic positives:
- Student Community Service “Service Corp” – vaccine drives, raised $, collected and made masks, and made blankets
- Preceptorship was able to continue with courses
- Harrell welcomed new course directors, thanked members who rotated off the Curriculum Committee, as well as Dr. Cooper who will move to ALAC for assessment of the CSEs.
- Lastly, gave an overview of things to come, including:
- LCME preparation
- Curriculum mapping
- Response to Teaching and Assessment task force recommendations
- Professionalism and professional identity task force
- Marginalized populations curriculum task force
- Evaluation subcommittee revision
- Clinical Skills task force
- CSE 4 (discussions of formative vs. summative assessment)
- HSS domain directorships and patient pilot
- More discussions regarding regional medical campus and Villages partnership.
Meeting ended at 8:52 a.m.