June 13th, 2017
7:30 to 9:00 am
HMEB Room 128, Videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom
Member Attendees: Joseph Fantone, Melanie Hagen, Heather Harrell, Peter Sayeski, Marc Zumberg, Carol Diachun, Frank Genuardi, Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, Hannah Norton, Matthew Ryan, Beverly Vidauretta, Zareen Zaidi, John Aris
Recording: Robyn Screws
Dr. Fantone called the meeting to order at 7:32 am.
Updates/ Announcements
- Fantone provided updates on the current happenings surrounding the Educational side of the College of Medicine.
- The Physician’s Assistant Program was having it’s site visit. Looking forward the big concern for the program is maintaining stability of quality care sites for primary care disciplines.
- Fantone also provide an update of the search for a new Director for the P.A. Program.
- Fantone provide an update on the search for a new Director for the Simulation Center and the status of the interviews.
- Fantone provided a brief overview of the expected impacts that will be brought on by budget cuts, which are expected for the upcoming year.
- Sayeski provided an update from the Phase 1 Course Directors Committee meeting. Course exams are moving from Examsoft to Canvas, courses are already done in Canvas so this move will help students to contain most aspects of the course to one program. The Course Directors are going to look into finding ways to bolster Pharmacology throughout the first two years of med school.
- Fantone updated the Committee on the status and numbers from Admissions regarding the class of 2021.
- Hannah Norton updated the Committee on the status of the search for a new Director of the Health Science Center Library.
Policy and Document Updates:
- Appeals Process
- Fantone presented the updates to the Appeals Process document given by Dean Good. Some committee members expressed the concern that there was a lack of a Jacksonville presence on the committee. Dr. Fantone noted that he would bring the concern to Dean Good’s attention.
- Leave of Absence (for Approval)
- Fantone presented the proposed updates to the Leave of Absence Policy. The committee suggested changing “The Associate Dean for Medical Education and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs” to “The Associate Dean for Medical Education or the Associate Dean for Student Affairs” under the Personal/Medical Leave of Absence section. Voting occurred via Qualtrics due to lack of quorum present at meeting. Document approved unanimously.
- Academic Status Committee (for Approval)
- Fantone presented the proposed updates to the Academic Status Committee document. The Committee suggested adding both the CLG Director and the Learning Specialist to the Ex Officio members of the Committee. Voting occurred via Qualtrics due to lack of quorum present at meeting. Document approved by majority, nine approve, one “No”.
- Curriculum Committee Membership (for Approval)
- Fantone presented the proposed updates to the membership section of the Curriculum Committee document, which includes making the Associate Dean for Medical Education the Chair of the committee, while making the Senior Associate Dean for Educational Affairs an Ex Officio member, also adding the Assistant Dean for Medical Education and the CLG Director as Ex Officio members. The Committee suggested that the Learning Specialist also be included an Ex Officio member of the Curriculum Committee. Voting occurred via Qualtrics due to lack of quorum present at meeting. Document approved by majority, eight approve, one “no”, and one “abstention”.
Strategic Planning and Continuous Quality Improvement and Learning Environment Task Force
- Fantone brought to the attention of the Committee a new standard from the LCME in which institutions have a specific area dedicated to the focus of Continuous Quality Improvement. Dr. Fantone and Dr. Novak have created two task forces, one for the curricular side and another for the learning environment side of the program, to give current efforts a more formal charge. Dr. Collins will chair the Learning Environment Task Force, which will last around nine month and have the goal of examining how we support our students and what the learning environment is really like for them.
Gratitude to Leaving Members
- Fantone expressed his gratitude towards the two members cycling off the Curriculum Committee this year. Dr. Harrell and Dr. Rarey
- Fantone noted individuals who would be taking on new roles
- Collins as Assistant Dean of Medical Education
- Hagen as Chair of the Academic Status Committee
- Harrell as CLG Director
- Aris as Chair of the Phase 1 Course Director Committee
Meeting adjourned at 8:59 am.
Next Meeting: July 11, 2017, 7:30-9:00 am, HMEB Room 128 (Deans Conference Room), videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom.