June 11, 2019
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Maureen Novak, MD (Chair); John Aris, Ph.D.; Robert Hatch, MD; Stacy Beal, MD; Paul Gulig, Ph.D.; Peter Sayeski Ph.D.; Melanie G Hagen M.D., F.A.C.P; Marc Zumberg, MD; Shelley Collins, MD; Joseph Fantone, MD; Lou Ann Cooper, Ph.D.; Nina Multak, Ph.D., MPAS, PA-C; Beverly Dede, Ph.D.; James Davis MS1; Daniel O’Neill MS2; Carol Diachun, MD,VC-Jax; Gretchen Kuntz MSW, MLIS VC-Jax; Jim Gorske, M.Ed. ; Ms. Hannah Norton, B.A. ,MS; Lynne E Meyer, Ph.D., MPH; Rana Alissa, MD, VC-Jax; Genuardi Frank, MD, MPH VC-Jax;
Recording: Aisha Miller
Dr. Novak called meeting to order at 7:30 am.
Motion made to approve May minutes seconded, and unanimously approved.
Updates: May meeting minutes amended to include Dr. Rana Alissa VC-Jax attendance and to Remove Dr. Beverly Vidaurreta-Dede, Ph.D. to read Dr. Beverly Dede, Ph.D.
- Phase 1
- The struggling student committee: Aris highlighted a few topics discussed in the Step One Success Committee related to academic success. He brought forward an idea for pre-matriculation and also part of the summer after the first year. The ideas are to have four different elements between the pre-matriculation and the first year summer courses. The SOS committee came up with the acronym: (“CALM”) for Content knowledge, Academic skills, Life-Work Balance, and Mentoring. Content knowledge is the first part and will be the focus in summer before first year. Pre-matriculation courses will focus on the academic skills and life-work balance to include: learning skills, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, wellness, test taking skills, and stress management etc. Mentoring during pre-matriculation will include: lectures and discussion panels given by faculty mentors and students. The other part to remediation is to have students repeat selected phase 1 course (flipped format), Step 1 review, and 3rd party resources (e.g. Kaplan & U-World). Another suggestion was integrating a CLG that has specific questions assigned to students. These implementations were recommendations found in the literature review.
- Phase 2 EPA follow-up- Hatch had nothing to report on EPAs.
- Farewell to members rotating off:
Dr. Novak bid farewell to Dr. Hagen and Dr. Zaidi they rotate off the Curriculum Committee. The committee expressed gratitude for their contributions to the group.
- Announcement of new members:
New members Dr. Saleem Islam and Dr. Maria Kelly will begin in July. Dr. Novak welcomed new ex-officio member Dr. Lynne Meyer who works mostly in Graduate Medical Education (GME), and she is very involved in the program evaluation committee.
Dr. Zumberg is continuing his second term with the Curriculum Committee.
- Step 1 Scores:
Dr. Cooper presented the USMLE Step 1 test results as of June 5th.
- CBSE /Step 1 Correlation:
Dr. Cooper presented correlation models of entering metrics with Step 1 and the various outcomes. She discussed correlation of Step 1 performance, Phase 1 average, and CBSE. Dr. Cooper used a multiple regression model to predict Step 1 outcome and explained that by using a model with the two best predictors and a correlation between those two with a one standard deviation below might yield a better outcome.
- Curricular retreat:
Due to time these topics were not discussed.
- High Yield vs Active Learning
- Longitudinal Educational Relationships
- The Struggling Student (see above)
Meeting adjourned at 9:03 am.
Next Meeting: July 09, 2019, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom