July 11, 2017 CC Meeting Minutes

July 11th, 2017
7:30 to 9:00 am

 HMEB Room 128, Videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom


Member Attendees: Joseph Fantone, Maureen Novak, John Aris, Victoria Bird, Melanie Hagen, Robert Hatch, Tom Rowe, Daniel Rubin, Peter Sayeski, Carol Diachun, Jennifer Hipp, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Frank Genuardi, Heather Harrell, Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, Jim Gorske, James Lynch, Hannah Norton, Ralph Rice, Beverly Vidauretta,


Guest: Kristy Smith


Recording: Robyn Screws

Dr. Novak called the meeting to order at 7:33 am.


Updates/ Announcements


  • Novak introduced the new members of the committee, Dr. Victoria Bird (Faculty Council Representative), Dr. Peter Sayeski, and Dr. Zareen Zaidi, and had all existing members introduce themselves as well.
  • Motion was made to approve the minutes from June, motion seconded, approved unanimously.
  • Sayeski provided an update from the Phase 1 Course Directors. Topics discussed in the last meeting included switching exams from Exam Soft to Canvas, using Ilios as part of the Course Management system, and discussion of the CBSE results. Dr. Sayeski noted that a question was asked regarding grades in Phase 1 and it was noted that grades from Phase 1 are not rounded up. Course Directors were provided two resource books to help incorporate more Step style questions and vignettes in their courses and exams.
  • Hatch provided an update from the Phase 2 Directors. The Directors have been focusing on improving Observed History and Physicals, so far everything seems to be going well. Dr. Hatch noted that one concern for Phase 2 directors is that the proposed Portfolio needs work narrowing down its goals.
  • Cooper updated the committee on a survey sent to the class of 2018, which included questions focusing on their being observed doing the history and physicals. The presented data supported an increase in observation on the clerkships. One committee member noted that part of the noted improvement could be due to the proximity of their clerkship participation.


CBSE Data and Proposal (Cooper)


  • Cooper presented data on the still incoming CBSE scores from the class of 2020 voluntary test takers. Dr. Novak opened the discussion to whether or not the CBSE should be a required activity after the first year or if it should remain optional. Motion was made to keep the test optional for first year students, motion did not pass. A second motion was made to make the test a mandatory activity for the end of the first year, motion seconded, motion approved via majority vote of quorum present.



Step 1 Data Update (Cooper)


  • Cooper presented data regarding the class of 2019 Step 1 scores as of June 28, 2017, seventeen scores are not represented in the data.


CLG Goals (Harrell)


  • Harrell has taken over the role of CLG Director with Dr. Kristy Smith as Assistant CLG Director. Dr. Harrell presented a summary of information gathered from CLG Faculty as well as students on what they felt was the purpose of the CLG groups. Using the collected information, as well as the proposed goals provided by Dr. Collins to the committee back in February, Dr. Harrell presented the proposed modified CLG goals to the committee. Dr. Novak opened the floor to discussion. A motion was made to approve the proposed modified CLG goals, motion seconded, approved unanimously.


Other Updates and Notes


  • Novak provided a status update for the incoming class of 2021.
  • Future topics as introduced by Dr. Novak:
    • Should students be required to pass the CBSE before being allowed to take Step 1 exam.
    • Collins and Jim Gorske are looking at technical standards.
    • Hagen and Dr. Aris have been looking into Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty.



Meeting adjourned at 8:57 am.


Next Meeting:  August 8, 2017, 7:30-9:00 am, HMEB Room 128 (Deans Conference Room), videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom.