January 9th, 2017
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Joseph Fantone, Maureen Novak, John Aris, Victoria Bird, Melanie Hagen, Robert Hatch, Peter Sayeski, Zareen Zaidi, Marc Zumberg, Carol Diachun, Jennifer Hipp, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Gabe Daniels, Wayne Dell, Jim Gorske, Gretchen Kuntz, Michelle Jacobs-Elliot, Nina Multak, Beverly Vidaurreta, Matthew Ryan
Recording: Robyn Screws
Called to order by Dr. Novak at 8:00am
Motion made to approve the December minutes, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Updates:
- Novak introduced Nina Multak, the new Director of the School of Physicians Assistant Studies.
- Phase 1 (Aris)
- Aris presented an update from the Phase 1 Course Directors. Concerns from the Course Directors include mechanisms behind grade reporting and test question reporting from students, which will be topics at the next Course Directors Committee meeting.
- Phase 2 (Hatch)
- Hatch presented an update from the Phase 2 Clerkship Directors, the annual retreat is coming up in two months, and topics will include EPA assessment throughout the 3rd and 4th year as well as student mistreatment.
- Student Voting Change (Novak & Dell)
- Wayne Dell presented the idea that the most senior medical student representative could act in the place of the 4th year student for voting purposes in the Curriculum Committee. Motion made to amend the voting policy for Curriculum Committee, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Student Mistreatment (Collins)
- Collins presented the proposed an updated Student Mistreatment policy which would allow students to report incidents online anonymously and the path in which the report would take after reporting. Tabled until document has been presented to Faculty Council for review.
- Clerkship Grade Policy (Hagen)
- Hagen presented the proposed amendments to the Unsatisfactory Performance and/or Unprofessional Behavior Policy to include performance review by the Clerkship Directors Committee if a student receives a grade less than a B or unsatisfactory in one or more clinical competencies. The Clerkship Directors’ Committee will refer students with repeated poor performance in more than one of the clinical clerkships to the Academic Status Committee (ASC), and present a plan for remediation. Motion made to approve the change, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Advanced Pediatric Essentials Course (Black)
- Novak presented the proposed Advanced Pediatric Essentials elective course for those students who declare pediatrics. Motion made to approve the elective course, seconded, approved unanimously.
Adjourned 8:23 am
Next Meeting: February 13th, 2017, 7:30-9:00 am
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Borland Library.