January 14, 2020 CC Meeting Minutes


January 14, 2019

7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 460

Videoconference to Deal Boardroom


Attendance: Maureen Novak, M.D. (Chair); Joseph Fantone, M.D.; Lou Ann Cooper, Ph.D.; Paul Gulig, Ph.D.; Carol Diachun, M.D.,VC-Jax; Jim Gorske, M.Ed.; Stacy Beal, M.D.; Marc Zumberg, M.D.; Maria Kelly, M.D.; Lynne E Meyer, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Robert Hatch, M.D. MPH; James Davis, MS2; Mary Patterson, M.D., M. Ed.; Saleem Islam, M.D. MPH; Peter Sayeski, Ph.D.; Rana Alissa, M.D.; Shelley Collins, M.D. FAAP; Julia Close, M.D.; Beverly Dede, Ph.D.; Nicholas Maldonado, M.D.; Nina Multak, Ph.D., MPAS, PA-C, DFAAPA; Michel Michelot, MS1


Recording: Jo Drumheller

Dictated: Aisha Miller

Dr. Novak called meeting to order at 7:30 am.


Motion made to approve December minutes, motion seconded, and approved.


  • Updates:
  1. Phase 1– The student representatives, James Davis MS2 and Michelot Michel MS1 reported on current phase 1 student status.

The Academic Success Committee – Dr. Sayeski mentioned that one of the discussion topics were of a gentle exist strategy for at risk students.

  1. Phase 2– Dr. Hatch gave an update of the Clerkship Directors meeting.
  • New Certificate Programs-Proposal: Novak explained there are a small number of medical students that are unable to complete or continue on their degree. Two new certificate programs has been created to provide the students with opportunities after leaving medical school midstream. The certificates will only be available to students that are unable to complete the M.D. program. Students will be notified by the Academic Status Committee if this is an option for a withdrawn or dismissed student. Motion made to approve the New Certificate Programs Proposal, motion seconded, and approved.  
  • Electives- Psychiatry: Novak sent out copies last month of the Psychiatry electives for review. The Department of Psychiatry is offering four different electives Applied Electricity in Psychiatry, “Electroconvulsive Therapy- Anesthesia Track, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Electroconvulsive Therapy –Psychiatry Track these are 4th year electives. Motion made to approve the Psychiatry electives, motion seconded, and approved.
  1. Neurology 3rd Year Elective: An elective for 3rd year students to experience and learn neurology has been proposed.  Motion made to approve Neurology as a 3rd Year Elective, motion seconded, and approved.
  • Policy for Medical Students and Organ Procurement: Novak discussed proposed changes to the language of the Medical Student and trip for organ procurement policy. Motion made to change the policy to read “Medical students may participate in organ procurement trips. Participation of the medical student is optional. Accepting or declining to participate must not affect a student’s evaluation on a clerkship,” motion seconded, and approved.
  • Family Medicine and Geriatrics Clerkship: The committee has previously discussed Geriatrics being integrated into Family Medicine. Family Medicine and Geriatrics will be a 12 week 12 hour course instead of an 8 week 8 hour course. Motion made, seconded, and approved.   
  • Grade Submission: Fantone discussed and emphasize the importance of providing timely feedback to students allowing them time to make adjustments. One of the LCME requirements are timely grade submission. To avoid potential warning/probation from the LCME the goal is 4 weeks submission instead of 6 weeks to avoid being cited by the LCME.
  • Program Evaluation Committee Reports: Cooper provided a summary of the program evaluation committee report. There is normally a strong correlation between the course director and the course evaluation. Dr. Cooper provided some of the key issues found in the courses reviews.


Next Meeting: February 11, 2020 7:30-9:00 a.m.

HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom