January 12, 2021
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., HMEB Room 128 / Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Rana Alissa, John Aris, Stacy Beal, Carol Diachun, Paul Gulig, Rob Hatch, Saleem Islam, Maria Kelly, Steve Munger, Meredith Thompson, Marc Zumberg, Carolyn Carter, Miguel Chuquilin, Julia Close, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Jeffery Dela Cruz, Mary Edwards, Joseph Fantone, Frank Genuardi, Christopher Giordano, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Colleen Kalynych, Hannah Norton, Matthew Ryan, Elisa Sottile
Recording: Renata Dolbier
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m.
- A motion made to approve the December 8, 2020 minutes, seconded, and approved.
- LCME Update:
Fantone gave a presentation on the accreditation process and timeline for the upcoming LCME. The site visit is projected to take place in February of 2023 and will last about 3-4 days. The evaluation process is based on 12 standards and 93 elements and addresses three components: the data collection instrument across the university and COM, self-study process, and an independent student report, and includes a continuous quality improvement plan. Dr. Fantone gave a description of the Review Committee Structure, including a Steering Committee, Task Force Committee, and Sub-committees that focus on specific areas. Updates and further information will be given at the Curriculum Committee meetings moving forward. - Neurology Clerkship:
Previously the Curriculum Committee approved to change the Neurology Clerkship from the 3rd year to the 4th year, and will remain a required clerkship for graduation. Dr. Chuquilin discussed revisions to the clerkship and provided an updated syllabus. A motion was made to approve the syllabus, seconded, and approved. - Endocrinology and Reproduction Course:
Harrell spoke on behalf of Dr. Rhoton-Vlasak and gave an update on some changes that have been made in the Endo/Repo course. Based on student feedback, Dr. Dayton (an endocrinologist) was added as an Assistant Course Director. Additionally, Dr. Rhoton-Vlasak added a student TA, added interactive sessions, more physiology, updated the review session, and revised exam questions to align with Step 1 style questions.
- Clerkship Assessment Retreat Report:
Harrell provided an update on the Clerkship Assessment Retreat. Clerkships are looking at ways they can have more direct observations and ways to improve Patient Care competency assessments. Another focus point was finding ways to mitigate potential bias. Each clerkship was asked to start grade committees and/or establish group evaluations led by facilitators with an expertise in medical education. Dr. Kelly added the interest to establish more consistency across the clerkships.
- Health Systems Science Learning Outcomes:
Harrell presented the Health Systems Science learning outcomes that will be used to guide curriculum mapping. The outcomes contain four main domains, as well as, goals and objectives. Once approved the HSS task force will discuss assessment types and suggested changes to the curriculum. A motion to approve was made, seconded, and approved.
- Other:
- Dr. Gulig presented an overview of the Course Directors meeting on behalf of Dr. Aris. The major topic of discussion was student access to exams within the testing window. The Course Directors agreed that they need a policy that lets the students know that inappropriate access is a violation; therefore, Dr. Aris drafted a statement to be incorporated into the syllabus. Additionally, Tim Garren will review some concerns in Canvas.
- Harrell reminded the Curriculum Committee to indicate their preference for either review of “best practices for assessments” or “best practices for teaching.” Dr. Harrell will send out additional readings to the group indicating which will be required.
Meeting ended at 8:42 a.m.