February 9, 2021
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., HMEB Room 128 / Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Rana Alissa, John Aris, Stacy Beal, Carol Diachun, Paul Gulig, Saleem Islam, Maria Kelly, Steve Munger, Meredith Thompson, Marc Zumberg, Dani Brown, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, James Davis, Jeffery Dela Cruz, Mary Edwards, Joseph Fantone, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Jennifer Hamilton, Colleen Kalynych, James Lynch, Senthil Meenrajan, Lynne Meyer, Hannah Norton, Matthew Ryan, Elisa Sottile
Recording: Renata Dolbier
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
- A motion made to approve the January 12, 2021 minutes, seconded, and approved.
- Geriatrics Clerkship Update:
Harrell introduced Dr. Senthil Meenrajan. He will be stepping into the role of Geriatric Clerkship Director in July. Dr. Meenrajan presented his vision and some changes to come in the geriatric clerkship. These changes will be phased in as there is an overlap with the learner levels. This overlap with 4th years should end in April and with 3rd years in June. His goal is to include more clinical experiences in a variety of specialties.
- ICP Update: Harrell introduced Dr. Diane Howell. She will be taking over as course director for the preceptorship courses starting in March.
- LCME Update:
- In light of LCME, a review of policies has begun. Dr. Fantone gave an explanation and presented a proposal to modify a change to the mission statement. A motion was made to approve the revision, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- LCME has reformatted their standards. One of the elements of the mission standard is strategic planning and continuous quality improvement. Dr. Fantone presented a new policy proposal that aligns with a white paper from LCME and will keep us compliant with LCME recommendations. A motion was made to accept this new policy, seconded, and unanimously approved.
- Content/Vocabulary Tagging:
Harrell reviewed current assessment tags and presented suggestions for additions/adjustments may be made to align with USMLE assessments, LCME, and HSS topics. The goal is to expand tagging to integrate across courses to better assess where topics are taught within the curriculum. No major changes were made to the proposed tags, but suggestions are still welcomed and should be communicated to Dr. Harrell or Kathy Green. Goal is to begin tagging learning outcomes across courses.
- Informational Updates:
- In order to offer a new Medical Spanish elective course for the 2021-2020 academic year, passed through an electronic vote.
- A policy to extend the Step 2 CK deadline for c/o 2022 passed through an electronic vote.
- LGBTQ+ taskforce has put together learning outcomes and are going through the curriculum to identify any gaps. They will present proposals in a future meeting.
- Chris Giordano has become co-director of the 4th He and Matt Ryan are forming a taskforce to review sub internships and make sure standards and expectations are consistent and how they should be assessing EPAs in Biochemistry.
- USMLE announced the sunset of Step 2 CS. The committee will review graduation requirements at a future meeting.
- Kelly presented an overview from the Clerkship Director Committee meeting. The committee discussed updates from the retreat, i.e., grading committees, mini CEX form across clerkships, and a standardized MSPE paragraph.
- Aris presented an overview from the Course Directors Committee meeting. The meeting covered administrative items for informational purposes, i.e., zoom breakout rooms. They also discussed security issues with Honor Lock, and will be discussing medical withdrawals at the next meeting.
- As taskforce assignments for best practices for assessments and best teaching practices are forthcoming.
- Discussion on distance learning verses in-person for student wellbeing.
Meeting ended at 8:45 a.m.