February 14th, 2017
7:30 to 9:00 am
HMEB Room 128, Videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom
Member Attendees: Joseph Fantone, Maureen Novak, Melanie Hagen, Heather Harrell, Robert Hatch, Kyle Rarey, Daniel Rubin, Peter Sayeski, Marc Zumberg, Carol Diachun, Jennifer Hipp, Lou Ann Cooper, Gabe Daniels, Frank Genuardi, Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, James Lynch, Wayne Dell, Hannah Norton, Ralph Rice, Matthew Ryan, Beverly Vidaurreta, Zareen Zaidi, Shelley Collins
Recording: Robyn Screws
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Novak at 7:30 am.
- Sayeski provided an update from the Course Directors.
- Topics discussed at the last meeting included mandatory attendance activities and student comments on ExamSoft during the review mode.
- Hatch provided an update from the Clerkship Directors. The Clerkship Director’s Retreat discussed how to operationalize the Observed History and Physicals, looking at putting the new plan in motion during the first blocks of May. Dr. Zaidi will be attending the March Clerkship Directors Meeting to discuss the role of GatorDocs in the Observed History and Physicals. Dr. Hatch and Dr. Novak will meet to discuss ways to help students struggling in the Clerkships.
- Hatch also brought up the issue of students manipulating grades for clerkships, pushing faculty to inflate their evaluations.
A motion was made, and seconded, to approve the minutes from the January 10, 2017, meeting. The committee members unanimously approved the minutes as presented.
CLG Task Force Update (Collins)
- Collins presented an update on the CLG Task Force. The Task Force has been working to link CLG activities to EPA’s. Over the next year, Course Directors will need to start identifying which EPA their activities link is to. Dr. Novak noted that this is not just for CLG activities, but will eventually be for all activities.
EPA and GatorDocs (Zaidi)
- Zaidi presented an overview of the relationship between EPAs, competencies, and milestones. GatorDocs houses the student portfolio, which CLG Faculty use to measure and indicate individual students’ mastery of each EPA. Dr. Zaidi showed the Committee how the evaluation rubric appears to the faculty, and shared the current, intermediate, and long-term goals of the portfolio and evaluations.
Planned Absences Policy Revisions – for Approval
- Harrell moved to approve the revisions for the Planned Absences Policy with the inclusion of the Med Ed email address, a link to UF’s policies and procedures for absences, and changing the last sentence to “Repeated absences will result in a professional concern notation…” Motion seconded, and approved unanimously.
Reading Elective – for Approval
- Harrell moved to approve the Reading Elective, motion seconded, approved unanimously.
Roles and Responsibilities of Learning Specialist (Jim Gorske)
- Gorske provide a brief overview of his roles, responsibilities, and how he chooses students and what help he offers them. Methods of help include broader class support, i.e. helping first year students transition into Medical School, helping second year students prepare for Step.
Meeting adjourned at 9:02 am.
Next Meeting: March 14, 2017, 7:30-9:00 am, HMEB Room 128 (Deans Conference Room), videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom.