December 12th, 2017
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Joseph Fantone, Maureen Novak, John Aris, Victoria Bird, Melanie Hagen, Robert Hatch, Daniel Rubin, Peter Sayeski, Zareen Zaidi, Marc Zumberg, Carol Diachun, Jennifer Hipp, Shelley Collins, Lou Ann Cooper, Wayne Dell, Frank Genuardi, Jim Gorske, Heather Harrell, Gretchen Kuntz, Michelle Jacobs-Elliot, James Lynch, Ralph Rice
Recording: Robyn Screws
Called to order by Dr. Novak: 8:02 am
Motion made to approve the November minutes, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Updates:
- Phase 1
- Dr. Aris provided an update from the Phase 1 Course Directors. The first semester is over aside from remediation.
- Phase 2
- Dr. Hatch noted that Phase 2 is going well and there are no current noteworthy issues aside from the EPA document.
- Phase 1
- Timeliness of Grades
- Novak presented the data on the Timeliness of Grades. Areas of the Phase 2 curriculum are not getting the grades completed in the six-week timeframe. Some noted that they believe there may be technological issues interfering with the progress of gathering the information required for grades.
- Fit for Duty
- Novak shared that the Fit for Duty document has been sent to the Disability Resource Center as well as the College of Medicine lawyers for review.
- CLG Update
- Harrell presented a summary and an update on the first semester of CLG sessions. Dr. Harrell highlighted the successes, the not so successful and challenges of CLG, as well as the opportunities CLG could provide.
- The Wellness Curriculum integrated into the CLG sessions has been a success for the program and the activities integrated are designed to help students with their own wellness in the curriculum. Faculty guides, resources, and development have been expanded and given faculty more background to guide the students and activities more effectively. CLG for third years has expanded this year and there is a focus to integrate the activities more with the intensives.
- Some logistics, scheduling and timing of activities, proved to be less successful and are works in progress for the future.
- Harrell presented a summary and an update on the first semester of CLG sessions. Dr. Harrell highlighted the successes, the not so successful and challenges of CLG, as well as the opportunities CLG could provide.
- Dr. Harrell presented opportunities that only the CLG can provide including weaving threads into clinical cases, incorporating additional formal clinical reasoning and diagnostic error curriculum into cases, as well as increasing student involvement into wellness curriculum and added diversity to develop their professional identity.
- EPA Grid for Assessing Entrustability
- Hatch presented the proposed framework for assessing entrustabilities throughout the curriculum. The goal of the proposed document is to find a way to identify and flag students earlier in the curriculum depending on individual EPA’s.
- Motion made to support the Grid for Assessing Document as a working draft as presented by Dr. Hatch, motion seconded, approved unanimously.
End: 9:14 am
Next Meeting: January 9th, 2017, 7:30-9:00 am
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom