December 11th, 2018
7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128
Videoconference to Deal Boardroom
Attendance: Novak, Aris, Maldonado, Hagen, Hatch, Zaidi, Zumberg, Sayeski, Diachun, Alissa, Collins, Cooper, Davis, Fantone, Genuardi, Gorske, Kuntz, Multak, Norton, O’Neill, Vidaurreta
Recording: Jo Drumheller
Dr. Novak called to order 7:33 am
- Updates:
- Novak informed the Committee that the leadership of the MD/PhD program has transitioned to Dr. Pearson from Dr. May.
- Motion made to approve the November minutes, motion seconded, approved unanimously.
- Aris presented an update from the At Risk Committee meeting geared towards identifying students who are “at risk” for first time step 1 failure. Dr. Cooper is helping with the identification of these students, while Mr. Gorske is supporting in the intervention phase for students, though his services are available to all students. A suggestion was also made to include a student/resident to the committee as well.
- Aris presented an update from the Phase 1 curriculum, everything seems to be going well.
- Hatch mentioned that the Clerkship Committee Retreat will be April 11th in Jacksonville.
- EPA’s are included in summative evals for third years, while fourth year clerkships will start in May. Each Clerkship uses different rubrics, which impacts the mapping and reporting of the EPAs.
- Probation and Dismissal Policy Update
- Hagen presented the proposed update for the Probation and Dismissal Policy.
- Motion made to approve the policy update, motion seconded, approved unanimously.
- New Elective: Exercise in Medicine
- Novak presented the proposed 4th year elective on Exercise in Medicine. Motion made to approve the proposed elective, seconded, approved unanimously.
- Curriculum Review Retreat
- Novak discussed the planned Curriculum Committee Retreat scheduled for February 12, 2019. Topics will include EPAs and assessment, CLG’s, Jacksonville experience, simulation, promotion as an educator, work life balance, and diversity and gender. Dr. Novak opened the floor to suggestions and discussion regarding the retreat.
End: 8:24 am
Next Meeting January 8, 2018, 7:30-9:00 am
HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom