December 10, 2019 CC Meeting Minutes


December 10, 2019

7:30 to 9:00 AM, HMEB Room 128

Videoconference to Deal Boardroom


Attendance: Maureen Novak, MD (Chair); John Aris, Ph.D.; Lou Ann Cooper, Ph.D.; Paul Gulig, Ph.D.; Carol Diachun, MD,VC-Jax; Gretchen Kuntz MSW, MLIS VC-Jax; Jim Gorske, M.Ed.; Stacy Beal, MD; Marc Zumberg, MD; Maria Kelly, MD; Lynne E Meyer, Ph.D.; Robert Hatch, MD M.P.H; Frank Genuardi, MD M.P. H.; James Davis, MS2; Mary Patterson, MD, M. Ed.; Saleem Islam, MD; Peter Sayeski, PH.D; Rana Alissa, MD; Shelley Collins, MD; Julia Close, MD; Beverly Dede, PH.D; Hannah Norton BA, MS;
Recording: Aisha Miller

Dr. Novak called meeting to order at 7:30 am.


Motion made to approve November meeting minutes, motion seconded, and approved.

  • Updates:
  1. Phase 1 – Aris gave a summary of the CALM program committee meeting. The focus of the meeting was to fill in some of the details in anticipation of developing and submitting a course through the approval process. The committee focus on implementation and development of the course content knowledge, menu items, and stream lining the process. The next step is to make a detailed graph to present to the curriculum committee of different ideas, objectives, student feedback, and committee members input.

Dr. Aris mentioned that in the approval process the program will need a name and asked the committee members to think of a name that can be used on the official transcript.

Dr. Aris provided updates on 1st years students which are now in Preceptorship and the 2nd year are in the last part of the derm MSK course students seems to be doing fine.


  1. Phase 2 – Hatch gave a brief summary that the 3rd year students are doing well.


  • Academic Status Committee Policy revisions – Dr. Novak mentioned in previous meeting that the Geriatric clerkship was approved and moved to the Family medicine clerkship. Next year Geriatric is going to have the challenge of having 2 cohorts. Neurology proposed and developed an elective for a 2 week period. The idea is to develop a 4 week program insert for Family Medicine and Neuro and pull out Neuro piece and insert Geriatrics for 4 weeks. The difference will be that it will be 1 course instead of 2 courses and the next step is to make it a 12 week, 12 credit course this will have to go through the UCC for approval. Motion made to approve the Family Medicine and Geriatric clerkship to be a 12 week 12 credit course, motion seconded, and approved.
  1. Medical Student Feedback Policy (pg. 26) – Dr. Novak provided clarification to the substantive change in the medical student feedback policy which is not a change but to make students aware. Motion made to include “CLG leader provides formative feedback, mentoring, coaching, and advising.” CLG leaders do not assign grades. Motion second and approved.
  2. USMLE Step Examinations (pg. 29) – The USMLE has already been approved but it has not been added into the current policy. Novak motion for changes to the passing grade equivalent to be included in the current policy motion made, seconded, and approved.
  3. Appeals Process (pg. 45) – Novak discussed changes that align with the UF handbook policy manual. Motion made to include all appeals must be in writing and submitted to the appropriate office within 10 business days from the date of the decision letter. Motion second and approved.


  • AHEC Course – Template: AHEC is the Area Health Education Center which is a program that was offered to students to which they have to apply for acceptance. This will be a 4 week credited course offered to students it will be a 40 hour course over a 2 year period to allow student the time to get through the course it’s all an e-learning course. Students can only take this course if their accepted into the program the acceptance is once a year. Motion made to include the AHEC course seconded and approved.
  • White Coat Course – White Coat is a student run theater production that performs in hospitals and schools and takes time and talent. Dr. Novak proposed this course will be at least 40 hours a year and up to 2 performances towards students 4th year credits. Motion made to approve the White Coat Course as an elective 4 week program, motion second and approved.
  • Policy for Medical Students and Organ Procurement – Due to time Dr. Novak was unable to present this policy.
  • Program Evaluation Committee Reports– Due to time Dr. Cooper was unable to present her reports.
  • AAMC Annual Meeting update – Dr. Fantone gave an update on the AAMC LCME mock site visit which provided insight of the 1.1 Strategic planning and continuous quality improvement requirement standards. To ensure effective monitoring of the medical educations program compliances and accreditation standards there are to be documented evidence of change. Being cited for timeliness of clerkship grades are the easiest way for UF to get on probation with LCME. We are midway through the accreditation cycle which started in 2015. We are at the standard 6 week threshold and we need to find a way to meet the 4 week goal. Dr. Fantone proposed going forward that we institute processes where we are well below the 6 weeks standard. This will be beneficial to the students, they will have the narrative feedback in a timely manner that they can use for their own self-improvement.
  • Regional Campus Taskforce Update- Fantone explained that the Regional Task force was formed in August to provide the opportunity for students who has a strong interest in expanding their clinical knowledge/experience to UF Jacksonville. There are very specific requirements by LCME related to regional campuses. UF Jacksonville was designated a regional campus in 2004. Dr. Fantone gave a brief presentation on Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Curriculum in Jacksonville defining goals and learning objective as basis for the Jax Program, identifying opportunities for enhancing the educational experience, recruitment, financial aid, academic, personal counseling, and identifying opportunities for students and faculty professional and personal development. The proposed clinical program will be Health System Science, Introductory 4 week clinical experience to include Emergency Medicine, Longitudinal patient panel, and longitudinal outpatient care experience.
  • Journal Club: Novak encouraged the members to read the articles for faculty development.
  1. Exploring the Construct of Psychological Safety in Medical Education
  2. Evaluation of Medical School Grading Variability in the United States


Next Meeting: January 14, 2020 7:30-9:00 a.m.

HMEB Rm 128, Dean’s Conference Room with videoconference to Jacksonville Deal Boardroom