Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Anita Rajasekhar, Bob Seifert, Christopher Robinson, Melanie Hagen, Norman Beatty, Reetu Grewal, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu, Ashleigh Wright, Austin Edwards, Beverly Dede, Carolyn Stalvey, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, Jennifer Hamilton, Joseph Fantone, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Maureen Novak, Nina Multak, Paulette Hahn, Phuong Huynh, Racheal Ahn, Shelley Collins. Guests: Jennifer Janelle
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:31am.
1. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Vote required
- Interprofessional Care for People with HIV – Elective
- One semester elective for students in medical, pharmacy, counselor education and nursing schools to gain exposure to, and develop skills in, patient-centered care for people with and at risk for HIV through participation in an interprofessional team.
- A 3-credit elective provided 1x week in the early evening beginning Spring Semester 2024.
Motion to approve the elective.
Motion was seconded unanimously approved.
- Class of 2026 Academic Calendar – update
- The 2023-24 calendar was approved last Spring but when the 2024-2025 calendars were being created realized that by moving the Clerkship Orientation a week later would provide one additional week of Step 1 study and would also align with Class of 2027 Preceptorship class.
Motion to approve the date change for the Clerkship Orientation.
Motion was seconded unanimously approved.
- New employee introduction
- Racheal Ahn is a psychometrician who has been working with us since spring helping with the analysis of the clinical skills exam working alongside Drs. Wright and Huynh. She accepted a permanent position and will be moving here from NY at the end of October.
- CPESA Report – Phuong Huynh
- Guidelines for the Clerkship Grading Committees (separate document)
- Huynh drafted guidelines for best practices related to grading committees with input from Dr. Thompson (who recently completed a literature search on this area), Dr. Fantone, Harrell, and Nall. The guidelines were presented to the clerkship directors for feedback as well.
- Discussion today focused on being cognizant about avoiding bias as we are thinking of the construction of the committees particularly if looking to include educators outside the home department.
- Effort for this work is included in the 0.5 FTE allocated to each clerkship but allocation of RVUs should be taken into account when selecting the members of the committee
- Recommendations on grade distribution adjustments were also reviewed for the following reasons:
- Being consistent and transparent to the students
- Insure consultation with DPESA and statistical analysis
- Curriculum Committee previously approved grade distributions – just codifying to ensure no mixed messages are around and that we stay consistent across the clerkships
Motion to approve the guidelines.
Motion was seconded unanimously approved.
- Overview of UFCOM NBME/USMLE Reports for AY 2022-23
- Provided data from June 2022 to July 2023 (overlap between classes of 2024 and 2025) that showed UF student means are above national average for all clerkship subject exams and Step 2
- Will provide reports to each individual clerkship
- Content area strengths
- USMLE Step 2CK results as well as performance trends relative to national average.
- GQ Results – Joseph Fantone
- Provided additional data and information we received from LCME and AAMC.
- AAMC – 92.9% of students agree/strongly agree they are satisfied with their educational experience at UF
- AAMC – Resident Readiness survey: program directors reported 99% of PGY1s met expectations and 37% exceeded. One did not meet expectations (poor specialty fit and subsequently changed specialty).
- LCME Self-study: Strengths of Medical Education Program and Opportunities for Enhancement (previously reviewed but highlights shared again)- 8 years accreditation!
- Provided data from AAMC Mission Management tool and cautioned that very small differences can look bigger on the figures than they may be in reality.
- Related to workforce- above national average for rural practice and staying in state but below in numbers who pursue primary care
- URiM students and faculty above national average but percent women in faculty below.
- Percent of students participating in research and becoming faculty exceeds national average.
- GQ Gender and URiM report consistently demonstrated men were somewhat less satisfied with their medical education except during phase 1.
- GQ data around mistreatment also showed men reported slightly more frequently expect for categories related to sexual harassment, which was almost exclusively reported by women.
- Bottom line: We have a very strong educational program and our students do well in their residencies and they view their educational experience very favorably. However, in the area of student mistreatment we continue to have work to do as we aim for these events to never occur.
Key Clinical Decision Making – Ashleigh Wright
- Provided update from workshop held on 10.09.23. Dr. Valerie Lang from University of Rochester led the workshop with approx. 40 faculty (Clerkship Directors/Asst. Directors) in attendance from both Gainesville and Jacksonville.
- Goal was to take a look at the CSE 3 and to use the key clinical decisions method in the assessment. Goal implementation in April/May 2024.