November 12, 2024
7:30am – 9am / ZOOM
Voting Members: Heather Harrell (Chair), Anita Rajasekhar, Christopher Robinson, Daniel Lewis, Jason Fromm, Jennifer Fieber, Melanie Hagen, Reetu Grewal, Robert Seifert, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu.
Ex-Officio: Ashleigh Wright, Austin Edwards (MS2), Beverly Dede, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Collen Kalynych, Diane Howell, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Marquia Walker (MS1), Melissa Turley, Meredith Thompson, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins. Guests: Andrew Miller, MD, Lucy Guerra, MD
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:31am.
- A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Vote required
a. CHFM Clerkship Syllabus
With the creation of the Continuity Clerkship and geriatrics transitioning to a thread, Family Medicine Clerkship went from an 8-week to a 6-week rotation. This required changes and updated learning objectives to the syllabus. Overall, the LOs followed best practices. Additions around procedures were recommended and small revisions were made and on the revised version.
Motion to approve the objectives with the summary revisions in the syllabus.
Motion was seconded and approved.
CHFM Clerkship Assessment and Grading
- The weighting of the grades did not change much so no vote was needed but wanted to share the rationale behind the changes.
o Stepped away from OSCE and LAC exam
o Caused NBME exam to go from 15% to 20%
o Remaining 5% added two learning activities: Perr teaching/small group learning and SMART goals/reflection exercise
b. Jax Street Psych MS4 Elective 58:58
An experience for students to immerse themselves more in the street psychiatry that has already been in existence but only for a day. The elective would allow students to spend more time. Opportunity has been available for a long time and this elective if just reformatting it from a day or two on the psychiatry clerkship to a formal elective.
Motion to approve the elective.
Motion was seconded and approved.
c. Community Health Discovery Pathway proposal
Provide students in leadership positions and opportunity to become involved in community health. By participating in the discovery pathway students would collaborate with community partners (most already established).
- Operational Leadership Shadowing; EMR Transition or ER Diversion Data Project; Community partnership engagement; Role of Community Health Worker; Community Health Initiative.
- Provide opportunities for reflective writing on what the students have experienced.
Committee did not vote on this proposal. More detail required about the leadership component. Additionally, Dr. Collins requested further discussion around the appropriate numbers of discovery tracks.
d. Unsatisfactory performance and/or unprofessional behavior policy
Adding new roles in the College of Medicine, Directors of the Learning Environment for Phase 1 and 2 to the policy. Created a delegation of new tasks. Align the policy with the new revised appeals policy allowing students to appeal the actions back to the ASC. Added academic concern for students who are just below the threshold with two or more initial failures in any course but have 25% or more exam failures in a semester. Not to penalize the student but to offer services to help i.e., tutor, DRC, wellness.
Motion to approve updating policy.
Motion was seconded and approved.
- CPESA Report (USMLE/NBME Year-end Reports)
Provided an update on Step Performance. Our students continued to exceed the national pass rate for both Step 1 and Step 2. We had 100% pass for Step 2 this year. - Good News
- Provide good news happenings for College of Medicine faculty, residents, students