7:30am – 9am
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Anita Rajasekhar, Christopher Robinson, Melanie Hagen, Norman Beatty, Reetu Grewal, Robert Seifert, Velyn Wu, Ashleigh Wright, Austin Edwards (MS1), Beverly Dede, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Frank Genuardi, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Kathy Green, Maureen Novak, Meredith Thompson, Nina Multak, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins, Shireen Madani Sims. Guests: Senthil Meenrajan, Paige Barker
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32am.
1. April Curriculum Committee minutes
- Verbiage for Item 2B was changed to reflect new positions created for Drs. Parker and Jacobs.
A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Vote required
a. Geriatrics Clerkship transition to thread with 4th year capstone
Presented the modification of the Geriatrics Clerkship from a 3rd year clerkship to a thread and 4th year 2 week capstone.
Proposal is:
- To complete clinical skills as MS3 and participate in 3 core actitivitied moved to other clerkships
- Complete Aquifer modules in high-yield geriatric topics as MS3 & MS4
- Capstone rotation, 2 weeks as MS4
- Overall learning objectives and clinical learning objectives remain unchanged.
Convert a 4-week geriatric clerkship into a thread through 3rd and 4th year that has a 2-week capstone experience in the 4th year. During that time, they can make sure the students have achieved all of the different activities and met objectives. Not a change in the content, but how it is delivered.
Motion to approve the transitioning of the 4-week geriatric clerkship to a thread and a 2-week capstone course.
Motion was seconded and approved.
b. End of Life and Palliative curriculum thread
Presented changes to this thread.
Vote to add the following LOs:
- Assess pain systematically
- Describe key issues and principles of pain management with opioids, including equianalgesic dosing, common side effects, addiction, tolerance, and dependence.
- Demonstrate patient-centered communication techniques when giving bad news and discussing resuscitation preferences.
- Demonstrate basic approaches to handling emotion in patients and families facing serious illness.
- Explore patient and family understanding of illness, concerns, goals, and values that inform the plan of care.
- Describe the communication tasks of a physician when a patient dies, such as pronouncement, family notification and support, and request for autopsy.
- Describe ethical principles that inform decision-making in serious illness, including the right to forgo or withdraw life-sustaining treatment and the rationale for obtaining a surrogate decision maker.
- Understand the philosophy and role of palliative care across the life cycle and differentiate between palliative care and hospice care
Motion to approve the 8 new objectives for a 4th year thread.
Motion was seconded and approved.
c. Neuro move from 4th year to 3rd year (no date set but as soon as May 2025)
Proposal to move Neurology Clerkship back to 3rd year.
Motion to approve the official move of Neurology Clerkship back to 3rd year.
Motion was seconded and approved.
d. Self-directed learning: LCME and Beyond
It is important for the LCME that this committee officially vote to approve our self-directed learning.
- Successfully modified the nutrition project and hematology activity.
- Added an activity to cardiovascular system
- HSS EBM/SDL meet the criteria
- Dermatology: modification to existing activity to be implemented Fall 2024
- End of first year feedback SDL activity added this spring
Every semester there is at least one and sometimes two self-directed learning activities that meet the LCME specific definition.
Motion to approve this overarching approach to delivering self-directed learning that meets all the criteria defined by the LCME.
Motion was seconded and approved.
e. Unsatisfactory Performance (Leadership Positions)
This is not new, this is a change to a policy or clarification of a policy around student leadership positions. Clarifying that we are defining good academic standing as not being on academic probation.
Motion to approve the changes as written.
Motion was seconded and approved.
f.USMLE (Step 1)
Not sitting for USMLE Step 1 prior to the beginning of Phase 2 requires ASC review. Deferrals may be granted by the Associate/Assistant Deans of Student Affairs or Medical Education. Deferrals may be granted for evidence based on CBSE or CBSSA scores, that predict the student has <95% chance of passing Step 1 within a week of the beginning of clerkship orientation. Deferrals may also be granted for medical reasons, which requires documentation from the student’s healthcare provider, or for significant personal reasons, such as life-threatening illness in a close relative.
USMLE Policies
Effective July 1, 2021, the USMLE Composite Committee established attempt limits to protect the integrity of all Step examinations and alignment with state medical boards. Furthermore, traditional and combined degree students (e.g., MD-PhD) should be familiar with state requirements for medical licensure which may include a requirement to complete all three Step exams within a 7-year timeframe.
Motion to approve the changes to the Step policy as written.
Motion was seconded and approved.
g. Tuition
Addition to Medical Student Tuition where the tuition and refund policies are available through the University of Florida Bursar’s Office.
Motion to approve the addition.
Motion was seconded and approved.
- Professionalism task force update
The Professionalism Curriculum Committee approved the HSS courses whose syllabi included the professional behavior categories and level of unprofessional behaviors with consequences. The PCC was approved the syllabi and specifically commended the professionalism assessment rubric. This will be presented to the course directors for consideration of using for all Phase 1 courses.
- EQIA Report
Presented a quick update – working on the December report to the LCME. We received a full accreditation but there is a required follow up of school conducted surveys. Narrative questions answered as to what we have done since the LCME visit. Will provide full report in September for committee’s feedback and approval prior to submission in December.
- Good News
- Tyler Elliott (MS3) donated to a leukemia patient
- Morgan Andreoni (MS4) received scholarship from AAFP
- Sai Sriram received the AOA Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship
- Joseph Hartman, MSRP AOA Top Prize
- MSRP Goodman Trust Awardees:
- Taylor Calibo, Arielle Ayotte, Matthew Alves, Lindsey Brinkley
- 21 semi-finalists
- Isis Sweeney, Hannah Rogers, Silvija Milanovic, Angela Arata presented at AAMC SGEA 2024