CC MEETING June 11, 2024

7:30am – 9am


Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Anita Rajasekhar, Christopher Robinson, Jason Fromm, Melanie Hagen, Norman Beatty, Reetu Grewal, Robert Seifert, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu, Ashleigh Wright, Austin Edwards (MS1), Beverly Dede, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Frank Genuardi, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Meredith                           Thompson, Olivier Barolette (MS3), Phuong Huynh, Shireen Madani Sims. Guests:  Christiana Shaw
Recording: Sandi Reveille

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32am.

1.       A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.

  1. Vote required
    • Research and Discovery learning objectives

Removed every EBM objective from this course because it had been moved to the new HSS 1 course.  For this year the Research and Discovery course will become Research and Ethics and have updated the learning objectives for this. Motion to approve a revision to the Research and Discovery course ethics learning objectives.

Motion was seconded and approved.

    • Surgery clerkship assessment change

Two weeks of the clerkship occur on specialty services, most outside the Department of Surgery. Analysis of these evaluations showed they were not discriminating and there was concern about their validity. Dr. Shaw proposed changing the assessment of these 2 weeks to P/F.  All of the clerkship learning objectives are being met by the core aspect that is still graded, not changing how the core objectives are being met.

The NBME and Oral Exams increased by 5% and small group increased by 10% to account for the decreased weight of the 2 week elective.

Motion to approve the grading change to the assessment on the surgery clerkship.

             Motion was seconded and approved.

    1. Administrative Changes
      Proposal to update certain policies in the handbook.

      • Remove Vice Dean of Education
      • Change Sr. Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education to Sr. Associate Dean of Educational Affairs. Also, add “In the absence of the Sr. Associate Dean of Educational Affairs, the Dean will designate authority to an Associate Dean to act on their behalf”.
      • Organization chart was updated.
      • Chair of Academic Status Committee is stepping down. Add the past Chair as an ex-officio on the committee.
      • LCME recommended that we have a separate appeals committee for actions on the ASC. We created that committee and the Sr. Assoc. Dean of Educational Affairs is the non-voting member of the Dean’s Advisory Committee.

Motion to approve these changes.
             Motion was seconded and approved.

    • Computer Requirement (new policy)
      UF COM students are required to own a portable personal computer that allows students to perform the following tasks.

      • Access and download course files (e.g., documents, presentations, videos, calendars)
      • Upload assignment files
      • Take quizzes and exams
      • Participation in remote educational activities
      • Access different browsers
      • Interface with applications to fulfill requirements and analyze personal progress (e.g., learning management system, course evaluations

$1,800 will be added to their financial aid packet.

Motion to approve adding computer requirement to the policy.

Motion was seconded and approved.

    • Transportation Requirement (new policy)
      As part of the UF COM medical education program, students will rotate at various inpatient and outpatient settings. Early clinical exposures begin the first semester of medical school and can involve daily commutes of up to 45 miles. During the 3rd and 4th years of medical school, clinical requirements can occur outside public transportation hours. Therefore, in order to fulfill the clinical objectives and experiences within UF Health (Gainesville and Jacksonville*), Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Department of Veterans Affairs, and associated clinics within those entities, students are required to own or have access to reliable daily personal transportation.

 *Students spend an average of 1/3 of their clinical rotations in Jacksonville.

Motion to approve the transportation requirement.
Motion was seconded and approved.

  1. Continuity taskforce update
    The Continuity Clinic Task Force update was presented. All the core 3rd year clerkships (Int Med, Ped, Fam Med, OBGYN, Psych, Surgery, Neurology) had opportunities for clinical sites which could meet learning objectives and include surgical sites. Would like to be pass/fail; administrative needs; number of ½ day sessions to meet LO’s; criteria to exempt student from continuity clinic. Dr. Nall plans to present a formal proposal for vote at the next meeting. 
  1. CPESA Report
    Provided update on the NBME performance outcome for the Class of 2025 and the CCSSA.
  1. Good News / Celebrations
  • Presented highlights from this past academic year.