7:30am – 9am
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Anita Rajasekhar, Melanie Hagen, Meredith Thompson, Norman Beatty, Reetu Grewal, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu, Beverly Dede, Carolyn Stalvey, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, Jay Lynch, Joseph Fantone, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Maureen Novak, Paulette Hahn, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins. Guests:
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32am.
1. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- LCME Update – Joseph Fantone
- Fantone shared the news that the College of Medicine was awarded accreditation for the full 8 years.
- Office of Diversity, Health Equity name change to Office of Healthcare Excellence, Community, and Belonging.
- Discussed the statute passed by the State legislature SB:266 which impacts higher education and the restrictions that have been placed on issues related to diversity, inclusion, and equity.
- Vote required
- MD-PhD Step and Clinical Clerkship Policy
- To set clear expectations for the MD-PhD Students for when the try to enter late or want to try enter mid-clerkship when they are out of sync. Trying to hold the students to the same standards as others
- ICM 2A Objective Change
- Content of objective now #9 changed – removed objective to now be a part of the HSS Course and added Critically appraise medical literature to answer a well-defined clinical question.
- CSE Change
- First proposal: CSE 1 becomes part of the ICM 1A and CSE 1B becomes CSE 1 and is removed from the ICM syllabus as a requirement to pass that course.
- Second proposal: Recommendation to model the 2nd year after the 3rd year (CSE 3A/B – formative; CSE 3C – Grad requirement; CSE 3D Grad requirement for off-cycle student). Proposal to make Year 2 the same as Year 3 – CSE 2A strictly formative feedback in preparation for the high- stakes CSE 2B to have to pass in order to move on the Phase 2
Motion to approve the above changes.
Motion was approved and seconded.
- Revision of Code of Ethics and Guiding Principles
- Documents such as professional behavior and code of ethics and some statements related to our mission statement and other areas of our policies need to be changed based on general counsel’s advice.
Motion to approve these changes to the mission statement and educational program values code of ethics and professionalism.
Motion was approved and seconded.
- Phase 1 Professionalism Task Force Report – Melanie Hagen
Task force report was presented and the following recommendations were proposed:
- All courses should use the same assessment tool and that it aligns well with the assessment tool that is being used in Phase 2/3.
- All courses will handle the professionalism concerns in the same broad way (ie unexcused absences in once course should be treated the same way in others)
- Follow the best practices for remediation as defined in presentation
- Recognize exemplary behavior
- Course directors expected to address professionalism concern before referring to OSA/OME or ASC.
Motion to approve having all courses use the same evaluation of professional behavior that crosses to the other Phases that have clear descriptive anchors and that we endorse the best practices for remediation, endorse the idea of highlighting exemplary behavior but want to make sure that it is truly exemplary (comment box will be added).
Motion was approved and seconded.
A detailed recommendation aligning specific unprofessional behaviors with specific actions (2nd bullet in report) was tabled until the UF committee looking at professionalism across professional schools completes their work.
- CPESA Report – Phuong Huynh
Overview of the EOY Survey results for 2022-2023. Survey results were mainly based on the requirements from the LCME.
- LCME Element 10.1 Annual Items – Dr. Jay Lynch
- Admissions yearly data report
- Provided the holistic process of recruitment
- FYI: MSAC approved Admissions Policies & Procedures
- Prerequisites: needs approval
- General Biology; General Chemistry; Organic Chemistry – each with labs, Biochemistry, Physics
- Good News
- Faculty Promotions
- AOA 2023 Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship winner
- NIH Medical Research Scholars Program awardee
- Costs of Care – STARS recognition
- AAMC RISE attendees
- 2023 AAMC Learner Summit attendees
- Florida Board of Medicine Leadership Awardee
- LCME Full Accreditation
- Celebrations
- Provided accomplishments, curriculum changes and additions for the 2022-2023 academic year.
- Dashboard, secure question link and cumulative exam questions are on the agenda for the 2023-2024 AY.
- More on assessment, active learning, integration, self-directed learning for the upcoming year
- Thank you to Carol Diachun and Steve Munger
- Welcome to Abdel Alli, Norman Beatty and Dan Lewis