January 11, 2022
7:30 to 9:00 a.m. via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Ashwin Akki, Ashleigh Wright, Bob Seifert, Carol Diachun, Elisa Sottile, James Davis, Maria Kelly, Meredith Thompson, Rob Hatch, Saleem Islam, Stacy Beal, Steve Munger, Carrie Adams, Carolyn Stalvey, Chris Giordano, Chris Robinson, Colleen Kalynych, Dani Brown, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, James Lynch, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Paulette Hahn, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Lynn Meyer, Maureen Novak, Olivier Barolette, Shelley Collins, Velyn Wu.
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
Prior to following agenda items, a few general items were discussed.
- Harrell spoke about new surge and how the students and others should follow the Healthcare Worker policy for this surge. Kudos to Dr. Collins for helping guide the students through this surge.
- Harrell then gave a brief update of the Program Evaluation committee and minutes. Met with student leaders, why students not attending class in person, why using other resources, caught up on clerkship debriefings as well as the process. Students would like to update the form. She referred to the Program Evaluation December meeting minutes.
- Ashleigh Wright spoke about Course Director’s retreat – exams, remediations, interacting with Academic Status Committee. A task force was created with Drs. Gulig, Sayeski, Hagen, Wright, Gorske. Drs. Aris and Hagen are heading the Phase I exam review committee.
- Kelly did not have anything to say about the Clerkship minutes but mentioned that in last week’s meeting they spent time vetting the clinical experience list which will be discussed in this meeting.
- A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Proposed Policy Revisions
Technical Standards – update of Technical Standards/Disability Services to reflect generic labeling for students as well as the addition of the annual declaration.
Motion to approve these changes.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
- Clinical Experiences Task Force follow up – Dr. Maria Kelly
Dr. Kelly brought the Clinical Experiences to the Clerkship Director Committee meeting. They vetted the Clinical Experiences list and included the experiences that are foundational/necessary for graduation. The changes were approved by the Clerkship Directors. Refined the experiences from 55 to 52.
Motion to approve graduation requirements, renaming to Clinical Experiences and level of participation.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
- New Electives
Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology 4th year elective – Dr. Elisa Sottile
An elective for the MS4’s for Jacksonville. Discussion followed as to whether it should be a 4 week elective or 2 week elective but that didn’t need the committee’s approval, only to approve the elective.
Motion to approve this elective.
A motion was made to approve the elective, seconded and approved.
- Update of Program Evaluation – Dr. Heather Harrell
Update was provided at the beginning of the meeting.
- LCME Updates – Maureen Novak
Dr. Fantone sent an email to the leaders of LCME task force group – deadline of 2/1 for some data. Dr. Novak and Kathy Green will work on the 8-page summary. Strengths, concerns, leverage our medical education mission to strengthen and improve. James Davis gave an update of the ISA – developed the whole survey. Hoping to have the survey out in the next week or two. ISA consists of 4 – 4th years; 4 – 3rd years; 3 – 2nd years; 3 – 1st years – all Presidents/VP’s and others.
- Student Class Updates
James Davis – students back in rotations, end of interview season, students doing well, event planning whether in-person or not.
Jeff Dela Cruz – effortless transition to virtual learning environment.
Olivier Barolette – not much feedback due to preceptorship and virtual learning. Other alternatives to social events. Still trying to find their footing.
- Discussion of Self-Directed Curriculum – Dr. Heather Harrell
MedEd future – Dr. Harrell discussed the article previously sent to committee. Students using external resources as opposed to attending/listing to lectures. Not just happening at UF it is nationwide. Try to incorporate more active learning which is found with Anki cards in particular.
Dr. Harrell opened up this topic for discussion. Some faculty were unaware of these other resources until they read the article – “The Self-directed Medical Student Curriculum”. Possibly try to navigate the lectures in line with some of the outside sources. Class representatives provided their prospective of the outside resources. Each class uses Anki more than others. Sketchy was helpful during the 1st years Pharmacology class. Concern about students using outside resources more than attending lectures that faculty put so much time into. Suggestion from a student to have lecturers put together their own type of Anki deck so they know the information is correct being presented to the students.
- Good News – Harrell
- Pranshu Bhardwaj MS3 – “Why Wear a Mask? – Explaining Medical Masking to Children article published.
- Paul Wasuwanich UCOM 24 – co-authored an article accepted for publication in Journal of Viral Hepatitis.
- Choosing Wisely STARS Students selected – Miranda Reid, David Gorlin, Payton Campell, Amica Lerthkitcharoenpo
- Ashleigh Wright has an article accepted for print by the Medical Clinics of North America journal – “Physical Examination in the Diagnosis of Dementia”.
- Carolyn Stalvey has been selected as a member of the “What” Taskforce for ‘The CLASS project’.
- Bruggeman and Wert presented an excellent round table presentation at the APGO Faculty Development Seminar
- Welcome to Ari – Dr. Novak’s grandson
Action Items: none
Meeting ended at 8:45 a.m.