7:30am – 9am


Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Dan Lewis, Jason Fromm, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Melanie Hagen, Reetu Grewal, Velyn Wu, Austin Edwards (MS1), Beverly Dede, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Diane Howell, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Maureen Novak, Meredith Thompson, Olivier Barolette, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins. Guests: Roy Strowd, MD

Recording: Sandi Reveille

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32am.

1.       A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.

  1. SGEA Roadshow Connection – Roy Strowd, MD
    • Roy Strowd Vice Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education at Wake Forest University, also a Neurologist and Neuro Oncologist and now Chair-elect of the Southern Group of Educational Affairs (SGEA) shared information about the SGEA. Regional Conference is April 11-13, 2024 in Houston, TX. Slideshow sent to committee.
  1. Vote required
    • Cardiovascular course, approve updated LO’s
      • Proposal to approve updating the learning objectives for the Cardiovascular Course.

Motion to approve updating learning objectives for cardiovascular course with the recommendation of breaking objective 3 into 2 components (Explain basic physiologic principles and interpret events governing the function of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems at the molecular-, cellular-, tissue-, and organ-level. [Bloom 2]) and if the word pulmonary was an oversight, the committee is fine with removing that word.

             Motion was seconded and approved.

  • Psychiatry Clerkship approve changes
    • Proposal to update learning objectives. Things have changed in Jax and Gainesville over the years and responding to student feedback and feedback from CPSEA proposed discontinuing locally created addictions exam and converting the 2 station OSCE summative assessment to a formative OSCE experience with a new case.

Motion to approve the recommended changes to the learning objectives and discontinue two of the summative assessment tools.

             Motion was seconded and approved.

  • Travel-Publication Policy update
    • To update the policy due to requests for time-off by students to attend conferences when they are asked to present. Update to timeliness of requests for time off and funding.

             Motion to approve the changes to the Medical Student Travel/Publication support policy.

             Motion was seconded and approved.

  • Limitations to student supervision and evaluation
    • Update to verbiage of this policy and removal of: “Additionally, whenever a student, trainee, and/or employee has been inadvertently assigned to be supervised, evaluated, and or assessed by their own personal healthcare provider, they are encouraged to request a reassignment without any recrimination.”

Motion to approve changes.

Motion was seconded and approved.

  1. CPESA Report – Phuong Huynh
  • Students individualized feedback reports.
    • Goal to help students personalize learning and development
    • Early identification and support for struggling students
    • Promote motivation and goal setting
  • Students will receive reports at end of Fall year 1, end of year 1, end of Fall year 2.


  1. EQIA Report – Maureen Novak
  • Provided an update as to what the EQIA is doing with the LCME update report required this December.


  1. Sunsetting FYI – Heather Harrell

Discussed sunsetting the following tracks and electives, reasons in parantheses.

  • Patient advocacy discovery track (planned)
  • Maternal and Child Health Outcomes Pathway (Dr. Gurka left, unable to find replacement)
  • Psychiatry clinical independent study elective (redundant to exiting elective)
  • Psychiatry cognitive behavioral and outpatient electives (lack of faculty to supervise)


  1. Good News
  • Class of 2024 Urology & Ophthalmology Matches
  • Oberndorf Clinical AI Scholars
  • COM Superior Accomplishment Divisional Winners
  • GSA-CiM-OSR 2024 Acceptances
  • SGEA Acceptances 2024 – workshops, oral presentations, posters
  • Gators Got Talent – donation update