7:30am – 9am ZOOM
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Anita Rajasekhar, Bob Seifert, Christopher Robinson, Dan Lewis, Jason Fromm, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Melanie Hagen, Norman Beatty, Reetu Grewal, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu, Angela Arata, Ashleigh Wright, Beverly Dede, Carolyn Stalvey, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Maureen Novak, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins. Guests: Neal Holland
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:31am.
1. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Vote required
- Family Medicine 4th year elective – Jax
- Proposal for 4th year students who would like more of the outpatient family medicine experience in either a 2-week or 4-week option.
Motion to approve this elective.
Motion was seconded unanimously approved.
Motion to approve to approve these changes to ICM 1B/2B.
Motion was seconded and approved via electronic vote.
- HSS 2B – there was concern that not enough time was given to review and process the proposed revisions to the HSS 2B syllabus so it was sent out for a re-vote.
- Removal of learning objective 1 as this is covered in ICM and HSS was not adding anything unique to the teaching or assessment.
- Removal of learning objective 20 as this seemed more appropriate for Phase 2.
- Dr. Goede who is taking over this aspect of HSS requested not locking the course in to a specific small group assessment tool (e.g. QIKAT) so this was changed more broadly to assessment with a rubric (which is what QIKAT is but it is not the only one). This type of change normally doesn’t require a vote by the CC but since this is a new course, we erred on being conservative.
Dr. Goede also changed the activity around some of the learning objectives, but activities within courses/clerkships do not require CC approval.
Motion to approve the changes to the HSS 2B syllabus:
Motion was seconded and approved via electronic vote.
- Continuity Task Force/Clerkship Director Retreat
- Presented a time-line going back to a curriculum review in 2019 that repeatedly has identified a need for increased longitudinal experiences. Curriculum Committee retreats in April 2023 discussing continuity, growth mindset, assessment and June 2023 discussing growth mindset: practice space, longitudinal assessment identified increasing continuity as a priority so a task force led by Drs. Nall and Hagen was formed to explore this in more detail. The task force recommended a 4-year experience but the Curriculum Committee approved moving forward with a more detailed exploration of the feasibility of starting with a yearlong continuity experience in Phase 2.
- A Phase 2 longitudinal continuity experience was a major topic at the December Clerkship Directors retreat. Discussed broadening the continuity experience out to other clinical spaces not just continuity with patients but also continuity of clinical sites. Clerkship directors raised concerns about potential effects of missing a half day in the context of limited experiences (e.g. trauma surgery week), morning vs afternoon assignments, and some would prefer it occurring in a different phase but goals as noted below may not be met and this wasn’t the charge from the Curriculum Committee. Overall there was a willingness to continue to explore longitudinal continuity and some clerkships were excited about the ability to participate.
- Continuity Experience goals – 3rd year:
- Create practice space in high stakes year (growth mindset)
- Promote continuity with faculty
- Increase outpatient education
- Promote patient continuity (meaningful role)
- Enable longitudinal projects to address HSS LOs
- Next steps to send back to the working group to think about but specifically objectives to be proposed for a vote in the future:
- Define unique continuity LO’s (separate from primary care)
- Identify clinics and faculty
- Clarify faculty support
- Define continuity director and admin role
Is there support from the curriculum committee of having this work move forward? Approved and seconded to continue working on the continuity experience.
- CPESA Report – Phuong Huynh
- Will discuss at future meeting, ran out of time.
- Good News
- An abstract was accepted for the 2023 Chapman Regional Conference
- Reducing UF EAC Visit Length: A quality Improvement Intervention Aimed to Increase Patient Room Turnover