CC MEETING April 9, 2024

7:30am – 9am

Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Anita Rajasekhar, Dan Lewis, Jason Fromm, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Melanie Hagen, Norman Beatty, Reetu Grewal, Robert Seifert, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu, Ashleigh Wright, Austin Edwards (MS1), Beverly Dede, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Maureen Novak, Meredith Thompson, Nina Multak, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins, Shireen Madani Sims. Guests:  Maria Velazquez

Recording: Sandi Reveille

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32am.

  1. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
  2. Vote required
    • Key principles of high-stake assessment
      Key principles to promote high quality high stakes assessments were reviewed and revised. Ten principles (multi-faceted expert review, standardization, bias reduction, quality control, continuous improvement, expert development, transparency and accountability, timeliness, blueprinting) were identified that must be applied to high stakes assessments whenever applicable. Details of each principle are in a separate document.
      Motion to approve these principles.
      Motion was seconded and approved.
    • Administrative Structure policies
      Changes to titles related to the law that was passed in our State that no longer funds DEI activities. Dr. Parker is now the Associate Dean for Student Success and Dr. Jacobs is Assistant Dean for Student Summer Health Programs.
      Motion to approve the changes to these.
      Motion was seconded and approved.
    • Decrease 4th year credits

      • Housekeeping of credits for Phase 1 courses to align with the amount of weeks.
      • Transition to Residency (formerly known as Internship 101) is a 3-week course so adjusted credits from 4 to 3 and also reduced required 4th year credits from 36 to 35.
      • Total credits is 151 and the LCME requires 130 credits.
        Motion to approve right sizing of credits with weeks.
        Motion was seconded and approved. 
  1. Continuity recommendation follow up – Ryan Nall
    Increased continuity has been a recurring need identified through surveys and retreats over the last 5 years. A Continuity Task Force made a proposal based on the assumption that continuity experiences would be in primary care but the Dept. of CHFM wanted to retain a distinct clerkship and faculty losses in primary care specialities also led to questions of feasibility. CC recommended defining the core learning objectives unique to a continuity experience and then reassessing feasibility.  Dr. Nall presented 11 LOs, six unique to and 5 significantly enhanced by a continuity experience. Feedback was incorporated, including substituting in 4 existing HSS objectives that convered the same concept. Vote to approve 11 LOs with revisions noted below and form a new task force to reassess feasibility and propose logistics if adeuqate sites are identified.

Continuity Learning Objectives (comments are the task force LOs that were repaced with the relevant HSS objectives): 

Medical students will be able to: 

(Unique to Continuity)

  1. Utilize interpersonal and communication skills to facilitate continuity relationships with patient(s) and their families in a longitudinal fashion.
  2. Recognize the value of continuity of patient care in the development of trust between patient and physician
  3. Recognize the value of the patient-doctor relationship in physician well-being
  4. Evaluate their clinical skills and growth over time with a clinical faculty preceptor who has observed their longitudinal performance.
  5. Engage in self-directed learning.
      • Apply principles of deliberate practice to self-improvement and professional practice.
      • Demonstrate the ability to engage in reflective self-evaluation.
      • Develop habits that promote lifelong learning.
      • Identify strategies to solicit effective feedback.
      • Develop a plan for incorporating mentors and coaches into your medical training and professional career.
  1. Reflect on ways implicit and explicit

(Enhanced by Continuity)

  1. Participate actively in the quality improvement process.
      • Propose a quality improvement project focused on a high value care theme.
  • Identify a lapse in quality or increased waste (e.g. sentinel events, near misses, workarounds) and propose a strategy to prevent it.
  • Investigate systems and processes, including benefits, harms, and costs of interventions and propose solutions to any discovered problems.
  1. Apply best practices of verbal and nonverbal communication to remote (telehealth) and in-person patient care.
  2. Collaborate with other members of the healthcare team to provide patient-focused outpatient co-management over time.
  3. Understand the importance of patient education and self-management support in improving outcomes for chronic diseases.
  4. Identify the communication and patient safety challenges in transitions in care


Motion to approve the 7 learning objectives that do not overlap with HSS and substitute the relevant HSS LO for the other 4 LOs and form a new task force to assess the feasibility of a longitudinal continuity experience that can meet the LOs and recommend specific logistics.

             Motion was seconded and approved.


  1. CPESA Report – Phuong Huynh
  • Reported on the class of 2026 performance data from exams.
  • Class of 2026 performed significantly higher on the overall Phase 1 compared to Class of 2025 and 2024.


  1. Good News
  • Harrell, Wright, Huynh had posters/presentations accepted to AAMC SGEA Annual Conference
  • Leanne Duemny (MS4) and Morgan Andreoni (MS3) had posters accepted Florida Academy of Family Physicians
  • Great Matches!

Reflect on the effectiveness of patient care interventions (ie. counseling, education, clinical decisions) over time, perform self-assessment, and create self-directed learning goals to improve outpatient care.

Reflect on one’s cognitive and implicit clinical biases that reveal themselves as the patient-physician relationship develops

Identify the needs of a clinical site through collaboration with faculty, staff, and patients and engage meaningfully in a quality improvement project.