CC Minutes September 10, 2024

Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Chris Robinson, Daniel Lewis, Jennifer Fieber, Melanie Hagen, Norman Beatty, Reetu Grewal, Robert Seifert, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu, Ashleigh Wright, Austin Edwards (MS2), Beverly Dede, Chris Giordano, Collen Kalynych, Hannah Norton, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Marquia Walker (MS1), Meredith Thompson, Petar Breitinger, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins. Guests:  Cameron Schaublin, Amy Sheer, MD

Recording: Sandi Reveille

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30am.

1.       A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.

  • Vote required
  • Capstone Syllabus

The Step 1 course did not have a formal syllabus. A reframed Phase 1 Capstone course syllabus was created to better capture the intent of the course.

Motion to approve syllabus.

     Motion was seconded and approved.

2. Neuroscience syllabus

The Course Director requested that one sentence of the syllabus be changed back to the language used the prior year that combined the written and practical exams into a single score. This change aligns with what the students were told.

Motion to change back to prior year’s practice of combining practical and written exam scores.

             Motion was seconded and approved.

3. Lifestyle Medicine Discovery Pathway proposal

A proposal to create a discovery track for Lifestyle Medicine with special focus on nutrition.

    • Introduction of a Lifestyle Medicine Discovery pathway focusing on nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness.
  • Amy Sheer, who is certified in lifestyle medicine will lead the track.

Motion to approve the creation of a lifestyle medicine discovery pathway.

             Motion was seconded and approved.

4. Approve 2025-2026 AY Calendars

Class of 2026 Year 4 dates, Class of 2027 Clerkship Rotations, Class of 2029 2-year overview calendars were presented to be approved by the committee. The Clerkship Rotations calendar is being tabled to another time in order to figure out how to create adequate neurology clerkship sites during next year’s overlap when the clerkship moves back to the 3rd year. 

Motion to approve the 2025-2026 AY Calendars for Class of 2026 and Class of 2029.

             Motion was seconded and approved. 


5. Decrease CHFM Clerkship from 8 weeks to 6 weeks

  • With the addition of the Continuity Clerkship next year, CHFM will gain back the continuity clinic day and can transition away from a full day of didactics which CHFM clerkship is able to deliver a comparable clinical experience in 6 weeks rather than 8 weeks. The additional 2 weeks will become elective time. 

Motion to approve the change.

             Motion was seconded and approved. 


6. New attendance procedure – update

Provided update on attendance procedure for Phase 1 medical students. An adjustment for the MS2’s. Process was enacted to maintain consistency across the courses and promote better transparency around what is excused and unexcused.

7. SADEA – update

No update from the Sr. Associate Dean of Educational Affairs. 

8. Good News

  • Provide good news happenings for College of Medicine faculty, residents, students