March 8, 2022
7:30 to 9:00 a.m. via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Ashleigh Wright, Bob Seifert, Elisa Sottile, James Davis, Maria Kelly, Meredith Thompson, Robert Hatch, Saleem Islam, Stacy Beal, Steve Munger, Carolyn Stalvey, Chris Giordano, Chris Robinson, Colleen Kalynych, Dani Brown, Hannah Norton, James Lynch, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Kathy Green, Lynn Meyer, Maureen Novak, Olivier Barolette, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins.
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
- A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Proposed Policies
- USMLE Step 1
Update policy in two places –
“Students who (1) have a cumulative average score for Phase 1 courses > 1 standard deviation below the class mean and (2) score < Step 1 equivalent = 165 47 on the CBSE will be required to:
- Meet with the learning specialist and develop a structured learning plan.
- Meet with an identified content expert.
- After 4 weeks of intentional study, students identified above must retake the CBSE* and score at or above Step 1 passing equivalent = 194 to be sponsored for USMLE Step 1.”
- Student Health
Update policy to include–
The College of Medicine strongly recommends COVID vaccination for a student to matriculate into our program; however, we do not make the decisions regarding COVID vaccination for our clinical education partners. Direct patient care is a required component of our education. At UF we have a robust program with practice partners all over the state providing high quality clinical experiences from the first through the last year of medical school. Each institution determines requirements for student trainees rotating through their establishments. These potentially include background checks, onboarding paperwork, vaccinations, etc. Our practice partners have long required flu vaccination for students, as well as TB, and many, if not all of our clinical site partners currently require or may require COVID vaccination in the future for medical trainees. This currently includes UF Health and the Veterans Administration Health Systems. Requests for exemptions, either medical or religious, are handled by the practice site, not the college of medicine, according to each institutions’ policies and procedures.
Motion to approve these updates/additions.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
- Professional Identity Formation task force presentation – Drs. Lynch & Smith
Part 1 – Drs. Lynch presented the first of two parts reporting the work from the task force he and Dr. Smith led. The task force’s charge was the following:
- Review the Professionalism institutional learning objectives and recommend any needed updates.
- Review the 2011 Working Group recommendations and identify needed updates and/or gaps.
- Assess current state of the professionalism thread (that fell within ethics, law, and professionalism) and make recommendations about content and learning activities.
- Make recommendations about best practices for assessing professionalism.
- Define components of professional identity formation and recommend opportunities to integrate it into the curriculum.
He briefly summarized the 2011 working group’s recommendations. The task force recommended moving away from the more nebulous professionalism construct and UFCOM’s approach to defining professionalism in terms of what is lack. Instead they recommended using the framework of Professional Identity Formation (PIF) and setting aspirational goals. He asked committee members to read a seminal article by Cruess about PIF and read the definitions of PIF submitted by task force members prior to next month’s continuation of the report.
- Clinical Skills task force recommendations – Dr. Ashleigh Wright
Dr. Wright presented Clinical Skills task force report which was approved at February 8, 2022 meeting. In order for students to demonstrate mastery of what physical examinations, laboratory and data interpretation and clinical skills should be, a checklist was created. A few items changed:
- Absent pulse
- Parkinsonian tremor
- Abnormal get up and go test
- FROM Anisocoria and facial palsy combined TO abnormal cranial nerve examination
- FROM Subacute altered mental status with clock drawing test TO abnormal min-COG
- FROM heart murmur TO pathologic heart murmur
- Hepatomegaly
- Well-child examination
The approach of the committee was more from the perspective of what are the “can’t miss” findings that every graduate should see. The changes are specifically to the abnormal physical finding list which is a change from prior committee.
Motion to approve these changes.
A motion was made to approve these changes, seconded and approved.
- Proposals
- To change SubI from graded course to S/U as almost every subI received an A grade.
- Clinical Refresher Course for students who have taken time off from Medical School (option in April) and could then take a 2-or 4-week refresher course.
Motion to approve these changes.
A motion was made to approve these changes, seconded and approved.
- LCME Updates – Kathy Green/Dr. Joseph Fantone/Dr. Maureen Novak
Dr. Novak update – waiting on data from students.
Dr. Fantone – crunch time now, Dr. Novak and Kathy have been doing an outstanding job of shepherding the process especially trying to gather all necessary information for the DCI. Students are over 75% in years 2 and 3, over 90% for year 1 and over 80% for year 4. Can start doing analysis.
Kathy Green – mock site visit planned between August 29 – September 1 time-frame, Curriculum Committee members may be asked to participate.
- Good News – Harrell
- Announced new Society of Teaching Scholars members – Drs. Carolyn Holland, Breanna Garbas, Martina Murphy, Nila Radhakrishnan, Janice Taylor
- Alex Weaver and Adam Wolach – (Class of 2023) article published in Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology on Excision and Cosmetic Reconstruction of Villar’s Nodule
- MSRP Winners – Dominique Szymkiewicz, Krystal Stennett, Khanh Huynh, Tatiana Maser, Justin George
- Adriana L. Della Porta inducted into the UF Hall of Fame
Meeting ended at 9:00 a.m.