CC Minutes 9.14.21

7:30 to 9:00 a.m., in-person and via Zoom

Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Ashwin Akki, James Davis, Carol Diachun, Rob Hatch, Maria Kelly, Steve Munger, Bob Seifert, Elisa Sottile, Meredith Thompson, Ashleigh Wright, Olivier Barolette, Carolyn Carter, Julia Close, Shelley Collins, Beverly Dede, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Joseph Fantone, Frank Genuardi, Chris Giordano, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Paulette Hahn, Jennifer Hamilton, Colleen Kalynch, James Lynch, Lynn Meyer, Michelot Michel, Hannah Norton, Maureen Novak, Chris Robinson, Shireen Madani Sims, Meredith Thompson, Velyn Wu.

Recording: Sandi Reveille

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.

  1. Harrell welcomed new member – Class of 2025 President, Olivier Barolette (MS1) 
  1. A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded, and approved.

  2. Grade Grievance Process

Discussed updating language for #1 designating another person in absence of course/clerkship director or conflict; for #2 language to read Within two weeks from face to face, the…

Will update these items and discuss at next month’s meeting.

A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.

  1. Follow up of teaching/learning task force

Discussed applying the recommendations from the task force on best teaching practices.

  1. Re-structure/re-frame the “lecture” to align with established best lecturing practices from the literature;
  2. Increase intentionality across lectures, courses, and phases;
  3. Integrate spaced learning and interleaving into the curriculum;
  4. Incorporate teaching practices that promote the “growth mindset” perspectives of learners in all aspects of the curriculum (not just CLG);
  5. Incorporate TBL that is structured and intentional into phase 1 courses;
  6. Improve integration across courses / ICM /CLG /other small group learning;
  7. Enhance Curriculum Oversight;
  8. Incorporate self-assessment tools into spaced learning in a deliberate fashion (‘blueprinting’);
  9. Provide regular feedback for instructors to help with both consistency and adoption of best practices;
  10. Professional development with regular retreats and sharing of best practices.

Looking for endorsement from committee to move forward with encouraging these changes. Will bring to the Course Directors to discuss.

  1. Review of Institutional Learning Objectives

LCME – “are you reviewing your institutional learning objectives and how are you linking your course and curriculum to the institutional learning objectives.” Reviewed Professionalism; Interpersonal and Communication Skills; Patient Care; Medical Knowledge; Practice-based Learning and Improvement; Systems-based Practice.

Proposed recommendations:

Add- “conflict management”, “community service”, “assessing quality of evidence and apply to patient care”

Need to make sure all EPAs are covered

Change the wording of “disclosing a medical error” –suggested: “practice the principles of disclosing a medical error”.

Not just “inter” but “intra” personal communication.

Will obtain additional feedback and bring to next meeting.

  1. Change to population health – Dr. Harrell

Addressing challenges with stand-alone courses like population health especially now that it falls within the Health System of Science and 1) what is the best way to help with the transition and 2) also coming up with the evidence-based medicine aspects of the research and discovery course.


Looking into a proposal of creating two very brief type intro courses to serve the bolus-type when you have a couple of days just dedicated to foundational materials and foundations of health and sciences applications of health science course across the rest of the systems and part two would be intro to clerkships.


There was not much discussion. Will address at future meetings.


  1. LCME Updates – Dr. Fantone presented the overall timeline of where we are in the LCME process to date.


  1. Good News – Several senior students and a couple of 3rd year students and two 2nd year students were nominated by either faculty or peers for various awards representing excellence in academics during the Honors Convocation.


Meeting ended at 8:56 a.m.