CC Minutes 3.12.24

Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Dan Lewis, Melanie Hagen, Reetu Grewal, Robert Seifert, Austin Edwards (MS1), Beverly Dede, Carrie Adams, Colleen Kalynych, Elisa Sottile, Hannah Norton, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Kathy Green, Maureen Novak, Meredith Thompson, Olivier Barolette, Phuong Huynh, Guests:

Recording: Sandi Reveille

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32am.

1.       A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.

2. Vote required

  • Jacksonville Regional Medical Campus
    • Charged with moving forward with the development of the regional medical campus.
      • Students would remain on that campus for an entire year.
      • One Curriculum Committee – curriculum will be identical for each program.
      • Will admit up to 8 volunteer students who begin Phase 1 in August 2025 and Phase 2 May 2027.
      • Academic calendar will be identical.
      • Any potential changes in the future would require a Curriculum Committee approval.
      • Students could apply to one or both programs through one admissions committee
      • One grading committee for both programs to ensure comparability within clerkships.

      Duplicating what we offer in Gainesville. Seeking the endorsement of the committee to move to support the proposal to move forward with the regional medical campus as proposed.

      Motion to support.  Motion was seconded and approved.

  • HSS syllabi modification with new Professionalism Competency Assessment
      • Minor changes to where the objectives go in each course. All objectives already approved when the full HSS curriculum was presented to this committee.
  • Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) elective
      • Pediatrics Department in Jacksonville saw the need for this 4th year elective.
  • Cardiovascular TA elective
      • Presented a Cardiovascular TA for 4th year medical student.
  • Technical Standards (1:05)
      • Made some of the wording clearer and cleaning up.
      • Add competencies that were related to the technical standard.
      • Removed two paragraphs at the top to streamline.
      • Accurately “reflecting”… change to “demonstrating”
      • Learning outcomes were added
  • Guidelines for grading committees
      • Add to Guidelines for the grading committee:
      • Conflicts of Interest- Committee members who have relationships with students outside the clerkship (e.g. CLG leader, family friend) should recuse themselves from any discussion or decisions around that student’s grade. If a committee member evaluated a student on the clerkship, the evaluation should be considered without supplemental information from the faculty member unless it is the committee’s practice to contact all evaluators for further input when questions arise. Committee members are not to serve as student advocates in the grading process.
  • Medical Student Feedback Policy
      • Add to medical student feedback policy
      • The course director determines the final grade in Phase 1 courses. A grading committee determines the final grade in required clerkships. If a grade committee member evaluated a student on the clerkship, the evaluation should be considered without supplemental information from the faculty member unless it is the committee’s practice to contact all evaluators for further input when questions arise. Grade committee members are not to serve as student advocates in the grading process.
  • Dress Code
      • Updates to the dress code in conjunction with LAC and Shands dress code:
      • Remove the sentence with extremely tight…replace with Clothing should be well-fitted (neither under or oversized). Longer shorts, capri-style pants, leggings and jeans are acceptable for the classroom.
      • See-through tops or visible undergarments are not acceptable.
      • No artificial nails
      • Restrain hair and jewelry
      • Closed toe shoes clean and free of offensive odors
      • Remove tennis shoes and sandals.
      • Combine: A button-down shirt, slacks, etc and Dress, blouse/sweater, etc.
      • Added Excessive perfumes, colognes….should not be worn.
      • Slacks (instead of jeans)

      Link to Clothes Closet where students can shop for professional wardrobe will be added.

      Motion to approve updates to the dress code. Motion was seconded and approved.

3. CPESA Report – Phuong Huynh

  • Presented an overview of Phase 1 Exam review process and some data as a result of this process being implemented over the past couple of years.

4. Good News

  • Oberndorf Clinical AI Scholars
  • Society for Teachers of Family Medicine Conference
  • Morgan Andreoni, MS3 – spearheads a book drive
  • Great Matches!