December 14, 2021
7:30 to 9:00 a.m. via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Ashleigh Wright, Bob Seifert, Carol Diachun, Elisa Sottile, Maria Kelly, Meredith Thompson, Rob Hatch, Saleem Islam, Stacy Beal, Steve Munger, Beverly Dede, Carrie Adams, Carolyn Stalvey, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Dani Brown, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Lynn Meyer, Matt Ryan, Maureen Novak, Shelley Collins, Velyn Wu.
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m.
- A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Proposed Policy Revisions
FERPA – to follow in line with what the national and state legislature is for FERPA. Outlining who has access and needs to know access of student records in order to complete their jobs as long as their training is up to date.
Pandemic Expectations – to remove where students contact DRC directly and to contact the Associate Dean of Student Affairs or Associate Dean of Medical Education in the event the student is unable to perform the duties required to meet goals and objectives and if a leave of absence is required.
Mistreatment – updates to the policy to reflect addition of new Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, to move this process to Office of Student Affairs and if the mistreatment occurs on Jacksonville campus.
Motion to approve these policies.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
- Patient Presentation – Dr. Maria Kelly
Dr. Kelly presented findings from the UF COM Required Clinical Presentations task force. She addressed LCME standards 6.2 and 8.6. Re-labeled Patient Presentations to Clinical Experiences because it was the term used by the LCME. Reduce clinical experiences from 55 to 50 that should be required before a student graduates. Discussion followed after the presentation as to how the task force reached their findings.
Dr. Kelly will share with everyone the presentation so each committee member can review the findings prior to voting to approve the recommended changes to the clinical experiences list. The committee does not need to approve the process and the Clerkship Directors Committee will need to provide input about that.
Motion to approve will be made at a later time.
- Phase 1 Schedule Change
Dr. Harrell proposed schedule changes for Fall for 2nd year students. Dermatology and Muscoloskeletal course first and only 4 weeks; Clinical Neuroscience moved up a week; moved Preceptorship after. Adjusted GI to begin a week prior to Thanksgiving break to provide more course work prior to break.
A week will be added to the Endo/Repro course which will push back hematology and the CBSE and CSE exams a week. Time will come from the step study block. This change was based on student feedback from several years and a request from the course director to the committee last year. Spring break will need to be adjusted to insure the OMFS students can join the respiratory course on schedule.
Second year student Jeff Dela Cruz felt the changes would align perfectly for learning.
Motion to approve these changes.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
- LCME Updates – Kathy Green
Task forces are up and running as well as the Independent Student Analysis team. The curriculum committee is a big part of updating the LCME required standards.
- Good News – Harrell
- Kudos to Lisa Merlo Green, Beverley Dede, Kristy Smith for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy activity accepted into MedEdPORTALand CLG.
- Celest Rousseau was announced as a Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) scholar.
- Velyn Wu published a COVID study case report: Can inhaled Adenosine Attenuate COVID-19?
- Ryan Nall was selected to be a TEACH faculty for SGIM Faculty Development program.
- UF COM won the AOA Excellence in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion award.
Meeting ended at 8:57 a.m.