CC Meeting Minutes October 11, 2022

October 11, 2022
7:30 to 9:00 a.m. HMEB Room 128 and via Zoom

Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Anita Rajasekhar, Bob Seifert, Carol Diachun, Chris Robinson, Meredith Thompson, Reetu Grewal, Ryan Nall, Steve Munger, Velyn Wu, Ashleigh Wright, Beverly Dede, Carrie Adams, Carolyn Stalvey, Chris Giordano, Dani Brown, Hannah Norton, James Lynch, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Jess Delaune, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Kathy Green, Kristy Smith, Lynne Meyer, Maureen Novak, Olivier Barolette, Phuong Huynh, Raja Al-Bahou, Shelley Collins
Recording: Sandi Reveille

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m. 

  1. A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded, and approved. 
  1. Proposed Policy Revisions
    a. Academic Concern-Probation
    This policy revision was to just separate Academic Concern from Academic Probation for Academic Progress.  It also added an automatic removal from concern after successful remediation and an additional semester of academic success.

    b. Medical Student Work/Duty Hours
    The proposed clarification of this policy is to clearly state that didactic and preparation time is limited to 25 hours/week and no more than 10 hours of additional small group/lab activities. (This proposal is a result of feedback from our LCME consultant).

A motion was made to approve these proposed policy revisions, seconded and approved. 

  1. Proposal
    1. CABCO Course Learning Objectives Change
      The Course Learning Objectives for CABCO were modified to more clearly match the Institutional Learning Objectives.

A motion was made to approve this proposal, seconded and approved.

  1. Required Clinical Experiences
    The Required Clinical Experiences were previously approved by the Curriculum Committee but when looking at the clinical experiences, the LCME requires definition of the level of participation.
    Putting to a vote are the following changes: changing mini COG to just interpret independently; accept level of participation with the changes that were discussed under the physical exam; changing vesicular rash to rash. All levels of participation on the LCME DCI were reviewed and updated.

A motion was made to approve the changes and clarifications, seconded and approved.


  1. CPESA Report – Dr. Phuong Huynh
    The Committee on Program Evaluations and Student Assessments completed reviewing all of the 3rd year Clerkships; Dr. Huynh provided updates of the overview of the reviews. Objectives were providing necessary information (syllabus and Canvas); defining student’s role, responsibilities, expectations; providing mid-rotation feedback; assessment methods; compatibility across training sites.


  1. LCME Updates
    Dr. Fantone provided an update of the upcoming Mock Site visit. Sending out information to those involved that provides background information and some sample questions that could be asked of the group. After Mock Site visit, will compile the data required and send off by end of October. 


  1. Good News
  • Brad Bruggeman, MD was accepted to APGO Scholars and Leaders Program
  • Shireen Madani, MD etal have published Educational Guidelines for Diversity and Inclusion: Addressing Racism and Eliminating Biases in Medical Education in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Luderve Rosier (MS4) submitted a Global Health Case Report to Florida ACP and has been selected as a finalist for a poster presentation.
  • Donna Parker, MD was one of five female trailblazers who were celebrated by UFCOM during Women in Medicine Month.
  • After LCME in January, Curriculum Committee will begin to look at the curriculum from a larger perspective – informally titled Integration 2.0 – integrating the basic sciences and threads across the Phases. Exciting assessment activities during the clinical years. A plan is in place about Curriculum mapping. Assets of our program, emerging needs, also problems that have been identified.


Action Items:



Meeting ended at 8:55am