November 8, 2022
7:30 to 9:00 a.m. HMEB Room 128 and via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Anita Rajasekhar, Bob Seifert, Carol Diachun, Chris Robinson, Melanie Hagan, Meredith Thompson, Reetu Grewal, Ryan Nall, Steve Munger, Velyn Wu, Ashleigh Wright, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Dani Brown, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, Jennifer Hamilton, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Maureen Novak, Olivier Barolette, Paulette Hahn, Phuong Huynh, Raja Al-Bahou, Shelley Collins
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
- A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Proposals
- Family Medicine 3rd year elective
A proposal to offer a single 3rd year two-week inpatient elective. Students who successfully completed either the Family Medicine and Ambulatory Care Clerkship or Internal Medicine Clerkship are eligible to participate in this elective. Members expressed concern that the elective wasn’t offered during all 3 elective periods in the 3rd year. - Discovery Pathway – Quantitative Medicine and Innovation in Physiologic Sciences (QUIPS)
A proposal to create a new discovery pathway, QUIPS, to provide students the opportunity to learn quantitative methods and allow them to apply statistical quantitative methods to understanding bio-medicine (up to 32 students per year). Dr. Zarrinpar clarified that AI is more data driven – looking at data and extracting information from data and QUIPS is more mechanism driven – understanding the mechanisms of the disease.
- Family Medicine 3rd year elective
A motion was made to approve these proposals, seconded and approved.
- New objectives for Foundations course
Dr. Siefert sought approval of a new objective to the Foundations course related to use of a diagnostic medical laboratory. The committee was supportive in principle but asked that the objective be revised to reflect Bloom’s taxonomy and it seemed to be 2 objectives. This wasn’t times sensitive so vote postponed.
- CPESA Report on external measures of success – Dr. Phuong Huynh
Overview of UFCOM NBME/USMLE Reports for AY 2021-22. Reports cover July – June so are different than AY. Reviewed content area performance for USMLE Step 1 (system, discipline and physician task categories relative to national average). NBME year-end report shows that UFCOM students continue to have a higher pass rate than the national rate. Reviewed USMLE Step 2CK content area performance (system, discipline and physician task categories relative to national average) and students continue to do very well.
- Admissions
- Mapping Attributes to Institutional Learning Outcomes
Reviewed attributes to Institutional Learning Outcomes and members did not recommend any updates. - Pre-medical Requirements and Recommendations
Presented the list of the minimum science admissions requirements for admission to the medical school for regular/MD-PhD and Medical Honors Program. There was some discussion around the lack of writing or communication courses and at last adding as a recommended course. There was a question as to whether biochemistry that has its own pre-requisites precluded the need for UFCOM requiring general and organic chemistry. Also, there was uncertainty about what aspects of physics are required for a medical education. There was no push to recommend a change but will bring feedback to the MSAT committee. Also mentioned adding a technology class as a recommendation.
- Mapping Attributes to Institutional Learning Outcomes
- LCME Updates
Dr. Fantone provided an update of the mock site visit which was successful and evidence we have a very strong educational program though did identify opportunities for improvement which we were aware of already. They were positive about faculty and support services for the students. We continue to work on assessment during the clinical rotations, timeliness of grade reporting, and quality of feedback on mid-clerkship rotations. Clerkship directors have made changes to address this which we are monitoring. Visitors were impressed with the students and how forthright they were and how appreciative they were of our education program overall. Student mistreatment is a concern based on the GQ and ISA.
Discussion followed about the clerkship evaluations and clarifying the descriptive anchors. The Clerkship Directors are aware of on-going issues of the evaluation forms. Drs. Fantone and Collins have been meeting with each chair individually to address mistreatment and insure they have a plan that we can monitor.
- Task force update
Presented a dashboard to track progress on task force recommendations.
Action Items:
Meeting ended at 8:43am