Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Anita Rajasekhar, Bob Seifert, Christopher Robinson, Melanie Hagen, Norman Beatty, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu, Austin Edwards, Beverly Dede, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Elisa Sottile, Hannah Norton, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Maureen Novak, Olivier Barolette, Paulette Hahn, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins. Guests:
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:31am.
1. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Vote required
- Move research ethics into ethics thread
- Proposal to integrate the research ethics learning objectives content within the longitudinal ethics and law thread.
- Add “Distinguish between clinical ethics and the ethics of research with human subjects”
- Articulate specific ethical and legal issues in “research and” clinical cases
- Apply the concepts learned in the context of specific clinical “and research” cases to cases in other contexts.
- Proposal to integrate the research ethics learning objectives content within the longitudinal ethics and law thread.
Motion to approve the integration and changes.
Motion was seconded unanimously approved.
Motion to approve moving forward with creating the Health System Science four semester-long course.
Motion was seconded unanimously approved.
- 2024-2025 Academic Year Calendars
- MS1, MS2, MS3, MS4 academic calendars to be approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
Motion to approve the calendars.
Motion was seconded unanimously approved.
- Self-Directed Learning update
- LCME requirements are to improve on self-directed learning.
- LCME definition of SDL: Element 6.3 reviewed
- Dr. Rajesekhar presented a plan that uses a longitudinal journal to captures goals and reflections on growth. The REFLECT rubric was suggested for assessment. Resources not yet clarified. Committee was overall positive about the direction and recommended including student(s) as details fleshed out. Dr. Harrell suggested starting with a more modest pilot. Dr. Rajasekhar and her task force will continue to move forward creating a more specific proposal for the committee that includes needed resources.
- AAMC Report/Good news
- Great UF representation at Learn Lead Serve 2023 – AAMC Annual Conference 7 poster presentations 5 by students, 4 table topic presentations (1 by a student)
- Shared take home points/ideas from attendees.