Voting Members: Heather Harrell (Chair), Anita Rajasekhar, Christopher Robinson, Jason Fromm, Jennifer Fieber, Melanie Hagen, Norman Beatty, Olivier Barolette MS4), Reetu Grewal, Robert Seifert, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu. Ex-Officio: Ashleigh Wright, Austin Edwards (MS2), Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Collen Kalynych, Diane Howell, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Maureen Novak, Melissa Turley, Meredith Thompson, Shelley Collins, Shireen Madani Sims. Guests: Lucy Guerra, MD
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32am.
1. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Vote required
- Continuity Clerkship Syllabus
Some of the previously approved continuity LOs needed clarification. The continuity LOs focused on PBLI and SBP. When looking at clerkship as a whole, discovered the need to add professionalism, patient care, and communication LOs. Integration of select ILOs would meet this need.
Motion to approve the updated learning objectives and to add relevant institutional learning objectives to the course.
Motion was seconded and approved.
Next the remainder of the syllabus was discussed. It will be P/F and most of the unique assessments and learning activities will overlap with the HSS curriculum and meet those assessment needs. Some of the specifics of these activities and assessments may be altered to align with the HSS curriculum but the overall activities and assessments are reflective of the clerkship.
Motion to approve the Continuity Clerkship syllabus.
Motion was seconded and approved.
- ICM 2B Syllabus
There is significant time in the LAC learning male and female GU exams and female breast exam but no LO in the course. Therefore, the following LO is proposed Demonstrate the ability to perform a male GU exam and a female breast and GU exam.
Proposal to replace the oral presentation assessment for script concordance assessment of clinical reasoning, which is an emphasis of the course.
Motion to approve script concordance as a new assessment and the addition of new learning objective
Motion was seconded and approved.
- Revised Class of 2029 2-year overview
Schedule approved at October’s meeting that flipped CABCO and Respiratory courses to align spring breaks would not work due to OMFS student scheduling.
Motion to approve returning CABCO and Respiratory to normal order (not have 1st and 2nd year spring breaks align).
Motion was seconded and approved.
- Revised Class of 2027 Clerkship Rotation
Class of 2027 clerkship rotation schedule was modified to include neurology clerkship being moved back to 3rd year as well as condensing CHFM clerkship to 6-week rotation and moving 2 weeks of new geriatrics thread to 4th year.
Motion to approve update of schedule.
Motion was seconded and approved.
- Discovery Pathway: Medical Student Leadership in Community Health
Continued from November 12, 2024, meeting during which more details of the leadership component to this discovery pathway was requested.
The updated proposal includes students taking an online medical student leadership course (principles of student leadership) offered by the AMA. Topics are:
- Conflict Resolution
- Art of Collaboration
- Managing Stress while leveraging your unique experiences
- Present like a leader
Students also will collaborate with community partners (most already established).
- Operational Leadership Shadowing; EMR Transition or ER Diversion Data Project; Community partnership engagement; Role of Community Health Worker; Community Health Initiative.
- Provide opportunities for reflective writing on what the students have experienced.
Motion to approve the new Discovery Pathway.
Motion was seconded and approved.
- Student Evaluation of Courses
According to university policy, we cannot penalize students for not completing evaluations. However, as a professional school we can still expect it as a part of professional development. Policy language was updated to remove the “must” language but include the expectation as part of holistic assessment of professional behavior.
Motion to approve the policy changes.
Motion was seconded and approved.
- Learning Culture Evaluation – Mistreatment Reporting Policy
With the updating of our mistreatment reporting to emphasize the learning culture (positive and negative), we need to update the policy.
- Change title to Medical Student Learning Culture Policy
- Reporting both negative and positive interactions that occur in the learning environment
- Mistreatment definition was not changed but added a definition of what constitutes unprofessional behavior and updated the process for which these types of behaviors would be reported.
- During meeting, reworded If faculty observe unprofessional behavior to Faculty who observe unprofessional behavior.
- Discussed that still working out how to best recognize the reports of positive behaviors but would like to do this.
Motion to approve changes to the policy.
Motion was seconded and approved.
- Letter to LCME went out November 27th – met the deadline which was 12/2; possibly hear back late February/early March
- Clerkship grades were reported inside the normal threshold
- Working with Jacksonville on the RMC