August 10, 2021
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., in-person and via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Stacy Beal, James Davis, Carol Diachun, Rob Hatch, Saleem Islam, Maria Kelly, Steve Munger, Bob Seifert, Elisa Sottile, Meredith Thompson, Ashleigh Wright, Julia Close, Shelley Collins, Beverly Dede, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Joseph Fantone, Frank Genuardi, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Paulette Hahn, Colleen Kalynch, James Lynch, Hannah Norton, Maureen Novak, Chris Robinson, Aaron Thomas, Velyn Wu.
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
- A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Proposed Policy Revisions – Dr. Harrell
Dr. Harrell presented recommended updates to several policies.
USMLE – Students who do not make the benchmark will delay the first clerkship and have a monitored individual study plan approved by the Academic Status Committee. These students must retake the CBSE and score the minimum Step 1 passing score to be sponsored for USMLE Step 1.
CSE 3c– For students who failed the CSE 2B, this examination is, in essence, the remediation examination. They must pass this examination in order to continue in the clerkships. Another CSE is presented after the third year. Students who fail this examination must meet with the director(s) of the 4th year and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs to discuss modification of their senior schedule. They also will be required to take an elective designed to improve interviewing and physical examination skills. The second CSE is a summative assessment of clinical skills, and requires a passing score prior to graduation.
- MSRP & Phase 1 remediation –
MSRP – Students planning to participate in MSRP must sign off that they have successfully completed all year 1 courses. Students who have not achieved this must meet with either ADME or ADSA to determine whether they can complete their remediation(s) and have enough time for the MSRP.
Phase 1 remediation – First year remediations must be completed by July 4th. Second year remediations need to be completed by the end of the 2nd week following the end of phase 1 courses. Students who may need to complete the remediation later, must get approval from either ADME or ADSA.
There was not much discussion.
A motion was made to approve the proposals, seconded and approved.
- FM/Geriatrics Clerkship: Harrell
- Harrell presented background on why geriatrics should be separated from FM and return to being a separate clerkship. We are appealing to UCC to allow the change to be retroactive and if not, will begin with class of 2024.
A motion was made to approve the proposal, seconded and approved.
- AAMC GQ – Dr. Fantone
Dr. Fantone presented the summary of UF-COM AAMC GQ 2021. Each year the AAMC conducts a survey of all graduating medical students from the LCME accredited programs across the country. It goes out in March and closes in early June and covers a wide spectrum of aspects of their educational experience. It includes not only the curriculum and educational components but the quality of the environment, support services and the such. Overall assessment was very positive with most areas rated above national averages. Opportunities for improvement: Climate issues (respect each other, patients), financial aid services, counseling and debit management, health insurance/health services, student mistreatment, student debt.
- End of Year Curriculum Survey – Dr. Harrell
Dr. Harrell presented the end of year summary (different from the GQ summary) – the MS1’s, MS2’s & MS3’s were surveyed at the end of their year. Survey consisted of seven parts: Student perspectives concerning UFCOM and student satisfaction; Student perspectives concerning assessment; the UFCOM learning environment; student stressors; student perspectives of UFCOM administrative offices; perspectives on student support; overall perspectives (open-ended). Main concern were the stressors. Need to work on extending more grace to one another. Overall students still singled out the learning environment, peers, and faculty as the best feature of their medical education.
- LCME Updates – Dr. Harrell spoke on behalf of Dr. Fantone – we are finalizing the different committee members to do our self-study.
- Good News – 1st years are here and hearing really great feedback. Subbed for a CLG class, interesting backgrounds.
Meeting ended at 8:56 a.m.