CC Meeting Minutes 12.13.2022

December 13, 2022
7:30 to 9:00 a.m. via Zoom

Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Anita Rajasekhar, Bob Seifert, Carol Diachun, Chris Robinson, Melanie Hagan, Meredith Thompson, Reetu Grewal, Ryan Nall, Steve Munger, Velyn Wu, Beverly Dede, Carolyn Stalvey, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Maureen Novak, Olivier Barolette, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins
Recording: Sandi Reveille

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m. 

  1. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.

  2. Foundations Objective Change

Dr. Seifert proposed a revised version of a new objective for Foundations course.

Previous: Recognize basic principles and appropriately utilize services of a diagnostic medical laboratory.

Revised: Apply knowledge of pathology and statistics to determine the utility of a laboratory test in clinical decision making.

A motion was made to approve the new objective, seconded and approved.


  1. Step CK Policy Changes

Cumulative phase 1 course average was replaced by a predictive model as one criterion for determining students who are at risk for Step 1 failure.

Students at risk for Step 1 failure may retake CBSSA or CBSE to achieve the minimum historical passing course required to sit for Step 1.

ADME was added to ADSA in Step 2 policy as person who  can approve extenuating circumstances to delay taking Step 2.

CCSSA will be required at the end of phase 2 and students at risk for failing Step 2 will be determined by a predictive model. These student must achieve a Step 2 CK minimum passing score on a CCSSA in order to sit for Step 2 CK. 

A motion was made to approve the policy changes, seconded and approved.

  1. Update of Task Force Recommendations

Biochemistry Step 1 preparation task force – the model recommended didn’t work out as planned. There are still opportunities to try and create some study resources around biochem for the students, hoping student feedback will help guide the next steps.

Care of Veterans task force – doing very well with the charge and recommendations just working on the assessment piece.

LGBTQ+ task force – no particular ask, just wanted to provide update.

Dashboard for task forces related to improving teaching and assessment were previously shared and brief update on progress given.

  1. CPESA Report site Comparability – Dr. Phuong Huynh

Review of the grading outcomes between sites (Gainesville, Jacksonville, VA) as we enter the LCME. Reference was made to LCME Element 8.7 Comparability of Education / Assessment. All clerkships were comparable except Neurology where there was a significant difference between sites with Jax grades lower, which seemed related to lower NBME subject exam scores in that cohort. We are investigating whether students get less clinical experiences there (anecdotally reported) or other potential site contributors and whether there is a difference in other NBME exams between the 2 cohorts which would suggest more student-related cause of difference.

  1. LCME Updates

Dr. Fantone provided an update – finalizing the schedule, handbook for those participating, sending in some updated information based on additional data we collected. Clerkship Directors did a great job over the last 6 months in terms of the timeliness of grades submitted. Will distribute handbook right after the holidays.

  1. Good News –
  • Recent EACN Health Fair was a success due to the efforts of Michael Mathelier, EACN Director and EACN Health Fair Coordinator.
  • Elisa Sottile had an article Changing the Assessment Paradigm: Promoting A growth Mindset Across the Medical Education Continuum published in the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine.
  • Elisa Sottile was elected Florida American College of Physicians Governor
  • Laura Guyer received the MOC’s Teval/Direct Relief Grant.
  • Guyer and G. Harrell presented a poster at the AMA HSS Summit.


  1. Select new member – voting members only
    There were seven applicants who Drs. Fantone and Harrell narrowed down to three for the voting members to select. Dr. Abdel Alli was selected to replace Dr. Stacy Beal now and Dr. Norman Beatty to replace Dr. Steve Munger in July 2023.

A motion was made to approve Dr. Alli to be new committee member, seconded and approved.

A motion was made to approve Dr. Beatty to be new committee member beginning in July 2023, seconded and approved.


Action Items:
Send out a poll to select a date for the Curriculum Committee Retreat.

Meeting ended at 8:43am