7:30 to 9:00 a.m., in-person and via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Rob Hatch, Saleem Islam, Maria Kelly, Steve Munger, Bob Seifert, Elisa Sottile, Meredith Thompson, Ashleigh Wright, Olivier Barolette, Dani Brown, Julia Close, Shelley Collins, Kristin Dayton, Beverly Dede, Jeffrey Dela Cruz, Joseph Fantone, Frank Genuardi, Chris Giordano, Jim Gorske, Kathy Green, Jennifer Hamilton, Colleen Kalynch, Lynn Meyer, Maureen Novak, Chris Robinson, Shireen Madani Sims, Velyn Wu.
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:31 a.m.
- A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Clinical Outcomes Research Track Proposal – Dr. Saleem Islam
Dr. Islam presented a proposal to offer a Clinical Outcomes Research track that will allow 50-60 students to participate – should have it completed in the summer between 1st and 2nd year, entire 2nd year and 3rd year to submit abstracts to present at National meetings
The sunset of the Biomedical Research Track as had loosely defined outcomes – to be replaced with Clinical Outcomes Research Track. Official name of prior track was Biomedical, Clinical & Translational Track.
Motion to approve this track.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
- Proposed Policy Revisions
- Student Dress Code
Change was to dress appropriately even while on a ZOOM. Two faculty (mixed gender) should provide the feedback as a process so no one feels uncomfortable. - Attendance Policy
When we call sessions required it actually means required and we continue to follow our planned and unplanned policies already existing. - Grade Grievance Process
Updates to the existing process as far as who is involved, if not resolved then the formation of a Grade Grievance committee and the time-line of the entire process. - Unsatisfactory Performance – Unprofessional Behavior Policy
- Appendix A – Professionalism Remediation Flowchart
- Appendix B – ILP (no change other than moving from A to B)
- Appendix C – Unprofessional Performance
- Student Dress Code
The main update is that we are just pulling the professionalism lapse process that we already had into our main site that talks about our policy about professionalism.
Note from Dr. Fantone – Who determines merit? Need to label Student Professionalism – parallel for faculty, residents and staff?
5. Fitness for Duty
The Fitness for Duty evaluation came about because there were students who needed to take extended leaves of absence for various reasons (some physical, some mental) and there
was no mechanism to make sure they were ready to return, re-matriculate and be successful. Brought more in line with the Orange Book (code of conduct for the university). A true Fitness for Duty requires somebody who is trained in providing Fitness for Duty evaluations. Student are given a list of providers that UF has identified or then can also find a provider through their insurance so they are not required to use someone from UF if that made them uncomfortable.
There was not much discussion.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
- Discuss COM Committees
Membership of the committees needed some updating, adding people, LCME process and our continuous quality improvement process, didn’t have quorums defined. Also, process for which students are apart of the Program Evaluation committee. Note: Dr. Dede is Program Director – Office of Student Counseling and Development.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
Dr. Harrell established a subcommittee to the Evaluation Committee looking at Phase One examinations co-chaired by Dr. John Aris and Dr. Melanie Hagen. Making sure our high stakes exams and that the question quality is high caliber and to serve as consultants. Put together mediation exams ahead of time. (**Document attached)
- Curriculum Tags
To ensure we track courses longitudinally across the curriculum. A motion to approve this as our curriculum tags to help with our curriculum mapping.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
- Review of Institutional Learning Objectives
Will make a few more updates including under Interpersonal and Communication Skills – better wording for “disclosing a medical error”, “manage conflicts effectively” and also giving and receiving feedback (ie graduates and doctors). Once modified, vote remotely.
- LCME Updates – Dr. Fantone presented
No specific updates other than putting small sub committee together. Some faculty have already been notified and others will hear from Dr. Fantone in the near future. Processes for LCME is to update policies and the Curriculum Committee is the governing body so if a policy is needed, the committee should make that decision and Dr. Fantone will implement.Conversation evolved into discussions about expectations around the EPA and what the ACGME expectations are as they navigate through the LCME process. Discussion related to expectation of graduates and whether there should be one set of milestones rather than one for each specialty.
- Good News
Dr. Shelley Collins announced that students from all Classes are fully vaccinated.Dr. Harrell announced that the Chapman Chapter, the Gold Humanism Honor Society, developed a Kudos Initiative and placed a site on the Chapman webpage and received permission to place on our professionalism page for people to nominate fellow students, faculty, resident, nursing staff, administrative staff for positive, noteworthy humanistic things.
Meeting ended at 8:53 a.m.