7:30 to 9:00 a.m. via Zoom
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Anita Rajasekhar, Bob Seifert, Carol Diachun, Chris Robinson, Melanie Hagan, Meredith Thompson, Reetu Grewal, Ryan Nall, Beverly Dede, Carolyn Stalvey, Carrie Adams, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Elisa Sottile, Hannah Norton, James Lynch, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Maureen Novak, Olivier Barolette, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:31 a.m.
- A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- Unexpected Absences Policy Update/Change
A proposal to change aspects of our attendance policy. Removed the single day aspect and didn’t limit it to just illness; student must notify the responsible faculty, mentor or senior resident when on clinical service; also notify Course/Clerkship Director; added that all students must log into their Phase Canvas page. When the absence is greater duration than 3 days, student must notify Office of Student Affairs. The onus is on the students to report and being very clear that this is a professionalism issue. Updates also included Jacksonville.
A motion was made to approve the changes, seconded and approved.
- Endo/Repro Learning Objectives Proposal Update
For Endocrinology content the objectives were consolidated and Bloom’s taxonomy verbs were updated. Objectives were mapped properly.
A motion was made to approve the proposal updates, seconded and approved.
- LCME Updates
With the upcoming LCME a site visit manual was emailed to those participating and an overview of the manual was presented to this committee.
- CPESA Report
No updates to report this month. Compiling reports to present at next month’s meeting.
- Curriculum Renewal Discussion
Started discussion about the upcoming curriculum renewal. The needs assessment will come from LCME, Graduation Questionnaire, external measures (USMLE, program directors), internal surveys, curriculum mapping, retreats. Feedback from graduates who stayed at UF will be solicited based on discussion.
Guiding principles and our institutional learning outcomes will drive the curriculum renewal process.
- Good News –
Announcement about 2023 Gators Got Talent: A Black & White Affair
Action Items:
Who else should we make sure is involved in the Curriculum Renewal process in terms of needs assessment.
Meeting ended at 8:51am