7:30am – 9:00am
Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Anita Rajasekhar, Bob Seifert, Carol Diachun, Chris Robinson, Melanie Hagen, Meredith Thompson, Mitsy Audate, Reetu Grewal, Steve Munger, Velyn Wu, Beverly Dede, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Dani Brown, Elisa Sottile, Hannah Norton, Jeff Dela Cruz, Jennifer Hamilton, Joseph Fantone, Kathy Green, Lynne Meyer, Maureen Novak, Michelle Jacobs-Elliott, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins. Guests: Dominique Szymkiewicz, Christopher Gross, Cameron Busk
Recording: Sandi Reveille
Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:30am.
- A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved.
- MSRP and Remediations – Heather Harrell
Proposal is whether it is reasonable to allow students who have no more than 2 remediations to complete those remediations and still complete the MSRP in 7 weeks (1 week less than usual). While there are concerns about the shortened time, we would like to try and provide a pathway for these students to participate in MSRP but with oversight from the MSRP Director.
A motion allowing students with oversight from the director of MSRP who do not have more than 2 remediations (and passing said remediations) to participate in a reduced 7- week MSRP that is prorated for the stipend.
A motion was made to approve, seconded and approved.
- Discovery Pathway, new track – Maryam Sattari
Surgical Mentorship and Leadership Track that would incorporate all four years. Reason for track was to offer skills more frequently: research skills, some basic clinical skills, advising mentorship leadership skills.
A motion to approve the creation of a new discovery track provided the learning objectives are updated with Bloom’s taxonomy.
A motion was made to approve, seconded and approved.
- Travel Policy Update – Heather Harrell
Update to the travel policy to add some clarity. If you know you are planning to submit your work to a meeting is when you should let your supervisor know. Renamed Research Support to Travel Support for ease in finding this policy.
A motion to approve update to planned absences and travel support.
A motion was made to approve, seconded and approved.
- Curriculum Committee change – Heather Harrell
Feedback from LCME site visitors is that we have it written that a major curriculum change would go to the Dean for approval; their concerns were that this committee should have control and function autonomously over all aspects of the curriculum. The change was made to reflect their concerns.
A motion to update this policy.
A motion was made to approve, seconded and approved.
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine elective – Cameron Busk
Presented a new 2-week elective for 3rd and 4th year students who have completed the Pediatric Clerkship. Will be a more in-depth exposure to Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) and will be 7 shifts 8-hours each and working with a PEM trained attending physician. Will also attend fellow didactic sessions on Thursday mornings.
A motion to approve the Pediatric Emergency Medicine with an understanding that the objectives will be modified to reflect Blooms Taxonomy.
A motion was made to approve, seconded and approved.
- Precision Medical Education – Heather Harrell
Submitted an idea for Precision Medical Education through AI and Coaching to the Dean for the strategic plan pillars for education.
- CPESA Report – Phuong Huynh
- Discovery Pathway tracks have a formal evaluation.
- Clerkship debriefings for 4th year are almost complete and the debriefing team has been phenomenal.
- Curriculum mapping will be complete at the end of the month and will be ready for the retreat in June so the dashboard tools can be worked on by the attendees.
- Step 1 results are in and there is 100% passing now.
- Should have results of the Step 2 exams after meeting.
- Good News – Heather Harrell
Senior banquet had a great level of energy, very supportive of each other.
Finishing Transitions to Residency; last lecture will be upcoming Friday with Dr. Lynch.
Graduation on May 20th
Completed their clerkships
Class of 2025 started their clerkship rotations this week and orientation went well hosted by Dr. Nall
Rebecca Oyetoro has been doing research at the NIH presenting at 1pm.
Kudos to Dr. Chris Giordano provided an idea about filling a gap in faculty development by applying for an FEO Grant for the next cycle so we can get funding to bring in a group lied was done for simulation training – a foundation faculty development.
Meeting ended at 8:48am