CC Meeting August 8, 2023

7:30am – 9am

Attendance: Heather Harrell (Chair), Abdel Alli, Anita Rajasekhar, Christopher Robinson, Melanie Hagen, Meredith Thompson, Norman Beatty, Reetu Grewal, Ryan Nall, Velyn Wu, Beverly Dede, Chris Giordano, Colleen Kalynych, Elisa Sottile, Frank Genuardi, Hannah Norton, Jay Lynch, Jennifer Hamilton, Jim Gorske, Joseph Fantone, Julia Close, Kathy Green, Maureen Novak, Phuong Huynh, Shelley Collins. Guests:

Recording: Sandi Reveille

Dr. Harrell called the meeting to order at 7:31am.

      1. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda, seconded, and approved. 

  1. Improving Continuity – Melanie Hagen/Ryan Nall
  • Presentation of Improving Continuity by task force
    • Recommendation to adopt a 4-year continuity experience
    • Building to this experience over a number of years
    • Start with a 1-year program beginning next academic year (or year after)
    • Presented vision for the 4-year experience: 10-20 patients assigned to student teams (MS1’s to MS4’s); 2-year experience (MS2’s to MS4’s); 1-year experience (MS3’s only during clerkship).
    • Family medicine clerkship would be best suited for this experience
  • Positive about moving forward and developing a detailed proposal.
    • Provide ideas, resources, etc.

Vote required
a. CSE Policy Modifications
Presented policy where CSE is completely separate from the ICM courses

b. Educational Program Values
Presented in July’s meeting but needed reframe the wording to add “Community”

c. Element 1.1
Approve monitoring these elements

Motion to approve the above changes. Motion was approved and seconded.


  1. EQIA Report – Maureen Novak

Presented Strategic Planning and Continuous Quality Improvement. Accreditation driven to ensure effective monitoring of the medical education program’s compliance with accreditation standards. Vote to approve Element 1.1 was presented after the presentation.


  1. LCME Update – Joseph Fantone

Presented findings from the LCME / Self-Study follow up. LCME determined that UFCOM continue full accreditation of the medical education program for an 8-year term. Through the self-study process many strengths were identified as well as areas that can be improved or opportunities for improvement. We (faculty, with our students) provide and outstanding education program and the students are well prepared.


  1. Growth Mindset – Elisa Sottile

Presented the outcome of what the Growth Mindset task force. Charged with identifying barriers in UFCOM’s education program to promote grow mindset; identify aspects of UFCOM’s educational program to promote grow mindset; recommend changes to the educational program that may promote growth mindset in medical students.


  • Learner Objectives:
    • Develop motivation and incorporate feedback for growth
    • Set goals and collect performance data
    • Identify gaps and plan change
    • Develop learning plans
  • Use the curriculum to build on ILO’s
    • Teach and reinforce the “soft skills” of emotional intelligence
    • Facilitate development of internal motivation
    • Establish a supportive framework for students to set goal

As no time for discussion, plan to discuss and vote on any proposed recommendations at next meeting.


  1. Good News
  • Shireen Madani’s article published in AJOG-MFM.
  • MS3 – Brooke Ortiz presenting an abstract at NAME 2023 Annual Meeting
  • Health Fair Success (led by Michael Mathelier)
  • Welcome Class of 2027